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And that's the face I made when I saw that I had 627 reads!! 😂👆👆

Thanks so much for reading my story!!I can't tell you guys how much ur support means to me, so I'll just write you another chapter instead 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Enjoy,my bloodsuckers 😈😈

It was long hours in my cell, before I heard Leon being thrown into his cell. The rusty metal clicked, and footsteps echoed down the halls. They vanished. We were alone.
Remembering I was close to the grate, I quickly slid over, hoping Leon wouldn't catch my hand, but I wasn't fast enough. His ruff, tawny hand clasped over my wrist.

"Close one princess."

How did he know that. Zane's nickname for me. How could he....
The memory came slamming back to me. Of course he knew. He was there, he had peeled my fingers from the grate, forcing me to go with Zane, and when we got to the bedroom, he punched me. I still had a black eye.

I bit my lip, waiting for him to command me to do something.

" Get me some food."

I passed him the half eaten roll of bread, and shut my eyes, hoping he wouldn't notice. A piercing pain shot through my wrist, like needles under the skin.

" You ate some of it"


He sighed, "I'm not stupid Gwen."

I forgot he knew my name.

I swallowed the lump in my throat before continuing, " I know."

He sighed deeply, before letting go of my wrist, " I' m the one who should be sorry."


"I'm doing this cause of Zane."

It all made sense now. Zane was using Leon. He wasn't a bad person, he was just as confused as the rest of us. Leon was a good guy. Maybe a friend.....

" He promised if I trained you, he's get me free."

I gasped, " Don't trust him." I said forcefully.


"He's a liar, and he's a jerk."

"Oh," he sighed, " I just wanted a way out of here....."

"Don't we all."

We sat in complete silence. My thoughts wondered off to the peach orchard. I hadn't started having those dreams till I came here. The strange thing was, I think I remember seeing Zane in my dream before I even met him. They were almost like connected to him.......I slid my hand, and lightly wrapped my hand around his. I could feel his nurturing warmth, which made me squeeze on tighter. He reminded me of home....

" Gwen?"


"What color are your eyes?"

"I'll show u," I said letting go, and moving my face to the small bars of the grate.

My eyes met his carmel colored ones, and we smiled at each other. He was handsome, with shortish blond hair, and muscular check bones. I sighed at the though of getting to know him, then realized how crazy that was.

" Ur eyes there-" he stoped, gaping over me.


" there gorgeous Gwen."

I blushed, was he into me. Did he feel this too..........

A/N: Sorry for the short/sucky chapter

I don't have much inspiration lately.............

Do you like Leon and Gwen chemistry??

Let me know if you have suggestions, comments, or just random stuff you wanna say 😆

I'll try an update soon ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

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