Chapter 9- I'm Not Wrong🥺

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A/N: Pls play the song on top
Author's POV

Sakuya had pressed a button that made the elevator drop at rapid speed and figured out that Misono was the one in the disguise.

'Could it be that Greed and his Eve with Y/N have already been moved? No, they've made such thorough preparations' Misono in his mind

"Sendagaya I am going down! Use the stairs and head up" Misono yelled into the mic

"Leave it to me," Tetsu said running up the staircase

Misono was quite sure that he will be able to stop Sakuya

In the Forest

Rosen and Gill had caught Tsubaki in a forest and this time Y/N was with him on the ground unconscious.

"Now then I wonder who will come out to greet me," Tsubaki said

The person who came out was Gill who created a different version of himself that confused Tsubaki.

(Like Danganronpa with Monokuma, Monomi and the rest)

"Huh, I don't even feel like laughing. What will you do with this heavy atmosphere" Tsubaki said confused

"So you're Tsubaki" Blue Gill said stepping forward with a deep voice

"Whoa, that's a very gruff voice for such a cute exterior," Tsubaki said shocked

"I heard our Servamp and Eve and his love has been under your care." Blue Gill said looking over at the unconscious Y/N on the ground

"Oh, I see. You're the Subclass of Greed" Tsubaki said with a crazy look on his face

"Even though he's a shitty brat, he's our boss, it's our long-standing job to punish that kid," Blue Gill said

"He ain't yours. We'll be taking them back as well as the girl with you" Blue Gill said as the rest of them spread out

"Well, I was thinking of settling things with the keys to their room and I cant seem to hand my fox over she is too precious for you" Tsubaki explained with a smile on his face and pulling keys out of his yukata

"Keys?!" Blue Gill said shocked

"Hey. You're probably serious, but it looks like you're joking, so can you stop? So where is my subclass?" Tsubaki said

"He's here. He's in one of these mascot costumes" Blue Gill said

"Inside?" Tsubaki questioned that was when they started attacking Tsubaki

"Oh, so I see. So if I attack carelessly I might hurt my subclass. Well I wonder what I should do" Tsubaki said realizing

Then Pink Gill started to lift the tree that Tsubaki was on that cause him to jump off

"You're being awfully flashy, I see we must be on Arisuin's private property or something," Tsubaki said in the air

While this was happening Y/N was starting to wake up and realize what was happening since Tsubaki had trapped her in a room that was with him. He knocked her unconscious again to get her here. She remembered in the room that he took care of her and said he loved her.

"As long as there's a chance my subclass is here, I won't leave. I'm the type that goes all out in any kind of game" Tsubaki said

Tsubaki kept on flying and playing what he calls "Hide and Seek" with the Gills and made the forest become red and made rain start to fall.

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