Chapter 8- Nothing Begins Without Action😬

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A/N:pls play the song on top and Y/N's uncle name is Chris

A/N:pls play the song on top and Y/N's uncle name is Chris ⚜♕⚜⚜♕⚜⚜♕⚜⚜♕⚜⚜♕⚜⚜♕⚜⚜

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Author's POV

Mahiru had shown Tetsu and Misono his ball with Kuro inside but that was the least of their problems Y/N, Lawless, and Licht had been kidnapped by Tsubaki.

"Don't you see small Kuro rolling around inside?" Mahiru said pointing to the ball

"I don't see anything," Tetsu said

"Hey, stop hot springs guy," Kuro said inside the ball

"Why are we wasting our time with a cat in a ball Y/N is captured and I am missing her hugs right now," Misono said looking at the ball

Later on, Tetsu had decided to use a sword to cut open the ball but that really scared Kuro and Mahiru stopped him and decided he had to do it himself and the ball still didn't split or open.

"That's not it either got to be a way to get Kuro back and save Y/N," Mahiru said thinking

"Even Big Bro Mahiru cant break it," Tetsu said folding his arms

"Maybe we are going about it wrong," Mahiru said rubbing his head

"Tetsu you have a guest" Tetsu's father said

Tetsu's guest was non other than Licht's babysitter Rosen Crantz

"Licht and Y/N have been kidnapped?" Rosen said dumbfounded and resting on Gill

"I-I'm sorry" Mahiru had said

As he was saying that Y/N's uncle had come in behind Rosen and said

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As he was saying that Y/N's uncle had come in behind Rosen and said

"Mahiru, Y/N was kidnapped? I had simply advised you to take care of her I was here to bring her some food" Y/N's uncle, Chris said

"I'm sorry, I wanted to go save them, but I couldn't do anything, Licht and Y/N san even protected me, " Mahiru said bowing to both Rosen and Chris

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