Chapter 3- About the Future that Never came 😡

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A/N: Your outfit is on top 👆🏾 and pls play the song also Y/N will have some fighting skills due to her Uncle being paranoid

A/N: Your outfit is on top 👆🏾 and pls play the song also Y/N will have some fighting skills due to her Uncle being paranoid⚜♕⚜⚜♕⚜⚜♕⚜⚜♕⚜⚜♕⚜⚜♕⚜⚜Y/N's POV

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Right now Mahiru, Kuro, and I were at Arisuin's mansion with Lilly to help Mahiru with protecting himself. Ojisan was reluctant to let me go but he said that I can come back at any time but it can't be too late or he would ground me. Lilly made me sit in Arisuin's chair and Arisuin was in my lap with me stroking his here.

"Arisuin are you okay with me sitting in your chair," I said looking down at him

"Yeah it's fine just don't stop stroking my hair," he said blushing and that made Lilly giggle

We then started the training

"You haven't even given your eve a weapon...I suppose that's expected from the Servamp of Sloth" Arisuin said looking at Kuro

'I think Kuro couldn't care less about it'

"I was supposed to have a weapon," Mahiru said looking confused and asking Kuro

"What's the point of a weapon you two should just be soothed by my form," said turning on his back cutely

"Just like hell, we would!" Arisuin and Mahiru yelled at the same time

"Kawaii," I said smiling

"I still don't know much about Vampires but there some things I want to protect. I don't want to regret doing nothing" Mahiru said looking sad

I got up and put Arisuin in his chair and went over to Mahiru sat next to him and hugged him and said

"It's okay Mahiru if you cant protect yourself I will do it for you"

"Ah no I want to protect you Y/N you have been my childhood friend since forever," He said holding on to my hands

"Well if that's so then close your eyes," Kuro said to Mahiru

"Eh hold wait for a minu-" Mahiru said but cut himself off

"Um Kuro what happened to Mahiru," I said looking at him

"Well angel he went into my inside but to get himself a weapon," he said looking bored as usual

"Oh okay I hope he comes back and Kuro do you want your favorite chips and scratches," I said bring chips out of my bag

"Nyaa yes please," He said turning to his cat form and jumping on my lap and eating his chips.

Then Lilly turned to a butterfly and sat on my shoulder cuddling into me. I looking over at Arisuin and he looked annoyed

"Sorry Arisuin I will get you back on my lap later"

"Tch whatever," he said looking to the side

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