Chapter 15- What Lies Ahead Now? 🙃

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A/N: Pls play the song

I have now grown to an age where I believe that I can live freely with my children

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I have now grown to an age where I believe that I can live freely with my children

'Time sure passes by huh, 10 kids I have quite a lot'

"Violet, Vania come over here" I heard Tetsu yell at his twin girl's who were rolling around in the garden and Vania looked more like Tetsu and Violet looked like Hugh but with blue eyes

The triplet's look like a mix of Sakuya, Tsubaki, and Mahiru and they were Sarana, Tusana, Mahara. Tusana and Mahara are boys and Sarana is a girl

They were busy planting flowers more specifically Tsubaki's (Camellia's) with Tsubaki and Mahiru.

I looked up at a tree to see Sakuya watching over his kids.

'Looks like someone is an overprotective father come to think of it he has always been like this when I was pregnant'

The second set of triplets were Lavender, Lilchtle, Annie I didn't really think that Lily, Licht's names were bad but Annie was something Hyde picked out. Lavender was a mix of Lily and Mikuni.

Mikuni was going to probably give the child a weird name so Lily decided it. Lilchtle looked like a mix of Jeje and Licht and I only saw Jeje's face one which I found quite beautiful. Lastly, Annie was a mix of Misono and Hyde.

They were with my Uncle with Mikuni, Jeje, Lily, Misono, with them playing hide and seek.

Licht and Hyde were at a recital for Licht who said it was fine we didn't come to the recital

'Looks like everyone is here in the garden now where is Kuro, and Koko the baby of the bunch'

I went ahead and decided to enter the Rose garden bed that was hidden to find Kuro in his cat form-hugging baby Koko who hugged him like a plushy

'Aww how cute'

"Kuro, Koko wake up," I said as I pick them both up

"Ah Y/N is it lunchtime," Kuro said

"Actually it is now let's go," I said but as soon as I said that I heard

"Mama, papa food," Koko said rubbing her eyes that made Kuro smile like crazy

"Okay Koko let's go," Kuro said walking with Koko in his arms

"Come Kids its lunchtime" I yelled

"Coming Mom" I heard them yell back as the rest of the guys follow

As we got inside I made everyone their lunch as they started eating I talked with Mikuni and Misono about how we are going to see Licht's recital later tonight with the kids.

As we got inside I made everyone their lunch as they started eating I talked with Mikuni and Misono about how we are going to see Licht's recital later tonight with the kids

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"Are you sure they don't know we are coming?" I questioned

"Yeah they aren't we made sure of it," Mikuni said

"Hmm it is true," Misono said

"Okay I just have to figure out how to get the kids there," I said

"Oh we got it so you don't have to worry," Misono said

"Okay if you say so," I said looking at the rowdy table as they eat

"It okay stop worrying," Mikuni said wrapping his hands on my waist

"he's right for once," Misono said

"Hehee" Mikuni laughed

"Well okay let me go get everyone ready," I said

"Okay you guys let's get ready" I yelled

"Okayyy," they said with the older one looking after their younger ones

By ready I mean going for a swim in the pool.

As we get there I made sure the babies were secure while the two sets of triplets don't drown even though they have training from their fathers. I still needed to be safe.

"Okay you guys go ahead and don't be shy let me know when ur scared"I yelled as they played in the water

I felt Jeje put his hands on me and as a way to comfort me, he back hugged me.

"Thanks, Jeje," I said

"Hn" he replied

"Okay be careful with Koko, Misono" I yelled

"It fine," Sakuya said also helping with Koko

As they played on everyone went into their rooms to go get ready for the recital later on tonight.

At Night

We all got ready and headed with them to see Hyde and Licht before the performance

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We all got ready and headed with them to see Hyde and Licht before the performance.

As we got there I went into the rooms with the kids to go see their fathers.

"Hello Anyone here," I said as I enter the room

"Otou-san's" The kids yell as they hug their fathers

"Oh you brought them," Licht said smiling

Hyde was playing with the kids with his childish personality

"Well I didn't want them to miss their father recital did I?" I said

"Oh okay but next time warn me," he said


We then got back to our seats and waited for it to begin and when it did Licht played his song and absolutely nailed with the people around us clapping and crying.

'He is so good at this and of course, Kuro is sleeping with Koko in his arms asleep'

After it was done the kids handed Licht flowers and Mahiru and the rest congratulated him.


When we got home I made sure all the kids were tucked in. I turned to see Mahiru and Tsubaki.

"Oh my you guys scared me," I said holding my chest

"Well what is there to be scared of Fox-chan," he said hugging me

"Anyways you are probably tired so we will take care of the kids tonight," Mahiru said yanking Tsubaki off of me

"Okay now remember..." I said

"We know go rest please we love you," Mahiru said


I walked to my room and went to bed and thinking about what might lies ahead now.


Thank you guys for reading

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