Alright a special thanks to @Adia17 for telling me what 2p!China's name, it shall be Zao! Also for being the first to comment, helping me so yeah! On we go to the story!
~And with That,
Ms.Cupcake OUT!
Looking over at him you curled into a ball on your seat and silently fangirled. 'OH MY UNICORN GODDESS! OH MY, IT'S ZAO! HOW. WHAT DO I DO? WHERE DID MATT GO? SHOULD I BE SCARED! I HAVEN'T DIED YET BUT I DON'T WANNA NOW!'
Zao looked over at you and sweat-dropped. "what the hell?" He asked, eyebrow raised.
"Um.... Irregular vaginal pain!" You then widened your eyes at what you just said, it was the first thing that came up. He honesty looked as if he couldn't care less.
"Better than being pregnant right?" He asked and you laughed.
"I guess so!" you said as he smirked a bit. He then pulled out of his pocket, a vibrating phone. The flight attendant asked that he turned off his phone for the plane ride. (You have to turn it off right? I still have never been on a plane.)
Zao then glared at the woman grasped her chin, pulled it to his face and whispered something into her ear. "Now leave." He said and she nodded frantically and ran away, terrified.
"You have a lot of authority don't you?" You said making him smirk a bit more.
"I guess." He responded and flipped open the phone.
He spoke in fluent Chinese, harshly saying some words. you decided to play it safe because you didn't want him to kidnap you like how the axis did. He hung up and it was your turn to raise an eyebrow.
"So you know two languages?" You asked. You already knew that of course, and just wanted to play is safe.
Zao's brown eyes shifted to you once more. "What is your name?" He asked.
"(F/N), (F/N) (L/N), and you?" You asked and his eyes glinted with something, you didn't know what though.
"Zao." He responded and stood up. (Is that allowed in planes? Like, can you just get up to go pee? Is there even a loo in there?)
"I'll meet you again, you're.... Interesting..." he said and walked off somewhere. After a few minutes Matt came back and his hand was slightly covered in blood.
"What happened?" You asked as he wiped it off at the random handkerchief you had.
"F*cking people." he said and looked at your face. Your (Skin colour) face was still slightly ablaze from meeting zao. (I was re-reading this to see mistakes and I thought it said 'Your face was set ablaze from the melting zao')
"What happened?" He asked.
" >\\\< Zao." You said happily. Matt looked alarmed, and looked around.
"he was here?" Matt asked pushing his sunglasses down. You were going to point out that having the glasses makes him look more noticeable because he usually wore them, but before any noise came out the plane rocked a bit and you grasped his arm. (I'm going to make you a scared of heights, remember that you are in this book, it'll come in handy with your love live.) He looked down and the plane rocked again, making you grasp harder.
"It's gonna crash, It's gonna crash, It's gonna crash, don't let it crash!" You chanted as Matt looked very amused. He smirked and you looked up with big (E/C) eyes, slight tears beginning to swell. You didn't let much hurt you and you normally did not care about anything, in fact this was probably your only fear.
Matt blushed but you didn't notice, you were to focused on not dying. He then put is other hand, the one that wasn't getting it's blood circulation cut off, and removed your tears. You began getting very sleepy and slowly fell asleep. You weren't sure if it was a dream or reality but you saw him lick your tears.
(WOO-WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OKAY OKAY. 200 WORDS MORE THAN USUAL!!!!!!!!! XD NOT AS MUCH AS I EXPECTED BUT OKAY! ILY. Also how do i dedicate? I forgot. Wait never mind. xD Also you made poor Matt like you, and zao might be your next kidnapper. xD
And with that,
Ms.Cupcake OUT!

2p!Hetalia x Reader; Surprise
FanfictionYou look out your peephole of your door to see that no one was there. You look down to see a small (F/C) cupcake on the ground. You slowly pick the cupcake up and from reading all the Oliver fanfictions you KNOW your not going to eat it. You examin...