Chapter 1: Detention, y/n

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Sorry! this is a quirkless AU
[No ones POV]
- "[Y/N/L/N]?" called the raven haired man; Shouta Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. "[L/N]! wake up."
You raised your head off your seat, startled. "Y-yes sir?"
- "Care to explain WHY you're sleeping in MY class AGAIN, [L/N]?" he said roughly, sending chills down your spine, your face warming up. "My apologies, Sensei. I really didn't have sleep las-" "After class [L/N].", The taller man interrupted, Sighing as he moved back to the front of class to continue his usual lecture.

"great as this day couldn't get ANY better." You thought to yourself, trying to stay awake. " what exactly is he gonna talk to me about." You stare up and down at the taller figure, catching his bold features one by one. the way his lips would move to his words, the way his eyes would scan the room, as you slowly lost track of time.

"[L/N] care to explain my class? Since you seem to be paying so much attention?" Your thoughts broke as you focused your eyes, only to see the raven haired man smirking, slightly amused by your constant staring. "fuck" You thought. " Well, I-" You gulped. "You see-" Aizawa sighs, "Detention, [Y/N]"


SORRY!!! This was a short first chapter. I've never written anything before. We will introduce Hizashi in our next chapter. for now, should i eventually write smut??? also, any suggestions?

here for smut.

here for suggestions.

Aizawa x Mic x Poly!Reader Where stories live. Discover now