Chapter 6

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Everyone but Terushima woke up to the smell of pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Ennoshita was in the kitchen making breakfast they were about to say something when they heard Ennoshita quietly singing along to a Disney playlist he had playing out somewhat loudly.

Tanaka snuck up on Ennoshita "GOOD MORNING CHIKARA!!!!" Tanaka yelled."

"AHH!" He stopped singing and the playlist breathing heavily. "Shit! You scared me, Tanaka."

Noya came downstairs his hair down. "I smell bacon!" He rubbed his eyes.

"Enno is cooking for us!!!" Kino and Narita said excitedly.

"HELLL YEAHH!!" Noya cheered.

"Shut up or you won't get anything its eight-thirty in the morning." Ennoshita was fixing the plates. "Anyway is Teru up?" Ennoshita went to the dining table placing the plates down.

"No, I don't think so," Narita answered.

"Got it. You guys go wash your hands then come eat." Ennoshita covered the plate for Terushima with plastic wrap putting it in the refrigerator.

"Okay, mom." All of the other boys who were awake said in unison stretching the mom out.

"Stop calling me your mom you idiots." Ennoshita sighed as he cleaned out the kitchen.

The boys came down and started eating. "Itadakimasu!"

Wait does Terushima have work today? Maybe I should wake him up? Ennoshita got up after eating and rinsing his plate, walked over to the couch with the still sleeping Terushima. "Teru." Ennoshita lightly tapped Teru but nothing. "Teru wake up." Ennoshita tapped him a bit harder than before he noticed Terushima now had a small smile on his face. Without any warning, he slapped him upside the head.

"OW!" Terushima shot up grabbing at his head. "What did I do Enno?"

All the boys at the table laughed.

"That's for pretending to be asleep after you heard me call you. Anyways don't you have work today?" Ennoshita asked.

"Yeah but not until nine..."

"It's eight-thirty, I made breakfast yours is in the refrigerator you just have to reheat it," Ennoshita said as he made his way to his room.

Terushima got up stretching "THANKS ENNO!" he yelled as he went to the kitchen.

A few minutes late Ennoshita came downstairs in a dark grey tracksuit and a hand towel over his shoulders. "Going out so behave and don't mess up anything. Call me if you need anything but you guys know where everything is so you should be fine."

"Whatever you say, mom!" All but Terushima yelled laughing.

"Stop calling me mom!" Ennoshita complained as he left.

"Where's he going," Terushima asked.

"Probably on a run," Tanaka said.

"I wonder if he is ok?" Narita sounded worried.

"Hm?" Terushima was confused.

"He really only runs by himself when something is on his mind, we normally end up running together then going over someone's place to hang out. Kino informed him.

"He's probably fine, maybe he didn't want to make us rush. Besides he seems happier lately so I don't think it's anything bad." Noya waved a piece of pancake around on his fork as he talked.

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