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《Valentine's Day Special Part 2 》

《Valentine's Day》

Ennoshita was getting out of the shower when his phone ringed he answered it putting it on speaker. "Hey, Teru."


"Loud but happy valentine's day." Ennoshita laughed.

"Oh right! Where should we meet up? You didn't say yesterday."

Ennoshita grumbled to himself while drying off his hair. "I completely forgot to mention that. "

"What did you say?"

"Oh, nothing I was talking to myself. Anyway how about we meet up at my place."

"Yeah, I can do that!"

"Okay good." Ennoshita slipped into a change of clothes and made his way to the kitchen as he grabbed a box of homemade chocolate putting it in his jacket.

"So what are you up to?"

"Nothing much just got out the shower. Now just waiting."

"Wait you are ready already!"

"I mean yeah I didn't have anything to do today expected our date so why not get ready."

"Okay then can come over then?"


"Can I come over now? Well after I am ready?"



Ennoshita laughed. "I love you too."

The call ended and Ennoshita watched tv for an hour when he heard a somewhat aggressive knocking.

Ennoshita hopped up to get the door. He opened it and was met by a blur of reds, pinks, and white. Looking past the bouquet he saw his boyfriend with a big smile. "Hey, Enno!"

Ennoshita's face turned pink. "Is that for me?"

"Of course it is!" Terushima handed him the large bouquet.

"Thank you." Ennoshita looked at the flowers a gentle smile grew on his face. "Come inside."


"Make yourself at home." Ennoshita looked around trying to find a vase or something to put the flowers in but couldn't. He sighed dejectedly.

"Hey what's wrong?" Terushima asked noticing his shift in mood.

"We don't have a vase for the flowers but it's okay I'll just get one when we go out."

"Oh yeah where are we going?"

"I said it will be a surprise, but I think you'll enjoy it," Ennoshita answered.

"Can we go now? Unless we have to leave at three." Terushima asked sounding excited and impatient.

"No we can go now might be better if we do."

"Okay let's go!" Terushima practically dragged Ennoshita out the door.

"Alright alright calm down." Ennoshita smiled.

They started walking until they got to a subway.

"We're going by train? Is it far?"

"Not quite now wait right here while I get tickets." Ennoshita hurried off then came back. "Okay let's go."

Terushima just nodded grabbing Ennoshita's hand as he guided them through the small crowd of people and onto a train. They sat in silence with interlocking hands while Terushima rested his head on Ennoshita. Ennoshita was too busy trying to make sure the box wasn't visible.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2021 ⏰

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