Chapter 7 (End)

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"Shouldn't you get back to work, your break is about to end right?" Ennoshita asked after finally catching his breath.

"My boss won't mind so don't worry. He'd call my back if I am needed." Terushima paused for a moment as something hit him. "Wait... is that why you ran!? You didn't want to miss my break!" Terushima asked.

"I didn't want to be late after I was the one who offered to hang out with you during your break...." Ennoshita traced his finger around the rim of the cup blushing at Terushima's sudden realization.

Terushima tightly hugged him Ennoshita turned pink to his ears. "Enno you can't be cute like that my heart won't be able to handle it you know."

Feeling Terushima's breath on his neck sent chills through Ennoshita who if possible turned even redder as his heart rate increased "I...I'm sorry?...." Ennoshita words were meek. What the hell? What the hell? What the hell!?

Terushima sighed "It's fine because you can't really help being cute huh." Terushima said as he let go. "Even if it was for a few minutes I'd be over the moon with joy that you came," Terushima said.

I can't help being cute? Ennoshita just stared blankly before snapping out of his trance. "....Aren't you exaggerating a bit Teru." Ennoshita looked down.

"No way, not at all." Terushima sat down at the table Ennoshita was sitting at.

They talked for a while until it got to the topic of relationships.

"Hey, have you been in a relationship before Enno?" Terushima asked.

"No... I have never been interested in anyone before. What about you?"

"I have, a lot actually but they never work out, its kind of my fault for that."

"Are you a cheater? Did you cheat or something?"

"WHAT!? OF COURSE NOT!" Terushima paused then continued. "I've been told I can be too clingy or overbearing, or too affectionate with my friends." Terushima shrugged.

"....Too affectionate?" Ennoshita asked.

"Yeah like hugs, compliments things like that. I mean who wouldn't get at least a little upset if they saw their boyfriend constantly complimenting other people." Terushima sighed.

"But isn't that normal? Showing affection to friends I mean to get and give hugs to friends and compliment them. Isn't it a good thing to do that it means you care and appreciate them and want them to know right? Nobody should stop you from being nice to friends." Ennoshita said.

Terushima just shrugged again. Terushima's boss called him back to work.

"Meh, it's not important anyway! See you later Enno!" Terushima said getting back to his post.

"Bye." Enno was about to leave but stopped peeking his head back in the shop. "For what it's worth Teru I don't think you are clingy or overbearing. I guess it's kind of nice." He had a warm smiled as he continued to walk out.

Terushima eyes widen slightly and his cheeks were now dusted with pink.

Ennoshita's mind was in tangles, he thought about everything that happened, why did I run so desperately, why does my face burn so much when I'm around Terushima, why do I get so happy when I see a message from him, or when he says he missed me or when he compliments me. Ennoshita knew the answer but he didn't want to admit it at least not first he wanted an outside opinion so he called Sugawara.

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