•chapter 2•

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"Welcome everybody back or to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry...." I droned out Dumbledores loud, boring voice by humming to myself. I had followed Harry, Ron, and Hermione and sat at the Gryffindor table with them. My god they were a chatty bunch.

"Ms. Mikealson?" My head snapped up in realization when my mind suddenly processed what he said.

"S-sorry what?" My stuttered. I awkwardly looked around. Everybody was staring. damn it. How great.

"The sorting?" Dumbledore prompted.

"o-oh yeah." I immediately stood up and walked towards the shabby hat that sat on the stool. I plopped down onto the stool as the hat was placed on my head. I could feel the eyes of literally everybody in the room watching me intently, waiting for something to happen.

You see, the "Mikealsons" were pretty much considered royals in the Wizardry World. So let just say it's a pretty big deal what house I get into.

"AHhh!," The hat screamed into my ear causing me to flinch, "a Mikealson! I've been waiting for a day a Mikealson would come back to hogwarts. Let's see. You have a sense of courage and loyalty. You would do absolutely anything to protect your friends even if it meant sacrificing yourself......."

I sort of droned out everything the hat was saying in my head. I honestly didnt really care what it thought of me. As long as it told me which house I would be staying in for the next couple years, I would be fine.

"SLYTHERIN!" The table to the very right burst into an explosion of whistling, yelling, and clapping as I got up and walked over to the table. To be fair, I never really cared which house I got into. I definitely had preferences, but never anything more than that.

I sat down next at a random seat and was immediately greeted with handshakes and high-fives from people I have never seen before in my life.

"Well well." I cold voice called out causing me to look over at the source of the voice. Low and behold, It was the blonde kid.

"Aww it's the idiotic blonde kid! How are you?" I 'sweetly' said to him smirking at the shade of red his face turned to.

"ATTENTION STUDENTS!" My gloating session was cut short at Dumbledores loud, annoying voice at the front of the great hall.

"Hey, I'm Riley," I broke my attention off Dumbledore and to the girl that was sitting across from me.

"Hey, I'm Clara Mikealson." I replied with a small smile before turning back to Dumbledore.

Now, it looked like I was actually listening to the dumb speech the old man was giving, but I wasn't. It was a trick I learned from dad. It's actually really easy, you just stare intently at the speaker and act like you're listening.

I was quickly snapped out of my daydream when a table of food appeared in front of me and continued down the entire Slytherin table.

woah. I had never seen this many chicken wings and lamb shanks in my entire life. I swear, Dumbledore better be paying the elves that make this.

"Really!? She's like obsessed with him!" I looked over at the Riley who was talking to the boy that was sitting next to me. Clearly taking after my dad, my curiosity got the best of me.

"Sorry who's obsessed with who?" I asked before stuffing my face with a dinner roll.

"Pansy Parkinson," The boy replied matter-of-factly to me, "She's like obsessed with Malfoy. For his birthday, she literally bought him a card with her ugly face on it. I'm Jeremiah by the way."

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