•chapter 14•

812 14 1

"What the actual fuck." Those were the first words that came out of my mouth as I slowly stirred awake. I found myself laying on one of the spongy medical beds in the Hospital Wing. I tried nudging my head forward to try and get a better view of the room, but almost immediately pain shot through my neck, causing me to freeze in my awkward position. A wave of memories suddenly washed into my mind. Lupin. Sirius. run.

A/N(Basically, Lupin had run over her.)

"eergh" I groaned out loud, squirming my lower body.

"Clara?" A soft mumble came out from my right, which I recognized to be Harrys.

"Harry! Oh thank god."

There was a shuffling sound, a few grunts, and before I knew it, Harry was standing over me with a concerned look on his face. Clearly he'd seen what happened to me.

"Are you ok?"

"Yep. Don't worry, it should heal pretty soon." I smiled at him reassuringly, already feeling slightly better.

The sound of sheets moving came from the bed in front of me.

"Are you guys alright?" Hermione's squeaky voice came up next to Harry.

"Yep. I think it's already healing." I wiggled my eyebrows slightly to try and lighten the mood, but Hermione merely nodded solemnly.

"How's Ron?" I asked.

"He's looks fine." Harry answered, sneaking a little glance at Ron who was just awakening.

"Ron!" I cringed slightly at Hermione's loud tone as she immediately switched her attention from me to Ron who was blinking furiously, trying to get used to the bright lights.

"How are you!" Hermione gushed out.


I looked over at Ron who had an annoyed expression plastered over his face. His leg was propped up on the ledge of the bed, wrapped in some sort of tape.

I've never known what it felt like to break a bone or get sick and laying helplessly in a hospital bed. I guess this was a perk of being a vampire. Sure, getting your neck snapped hurt, but only for 0.1 milliseconds. It was more the shock of it really.

My thoughts were soon interrupted when the big doors to the Hospital Wings suddenly swung open, and Dumbledore walked through it.

Almost immediately, Harry and Hermione ran up to him desperately.

"Headmaster! You've got to stop them they've got the wrong man!"

"It's true. Sirius is innocent." Harry added in, sounding much calmer than Hermione considering that it was his Godfather that was about to get his soul sucked.

"It's Scabber's who did it." Ron's terrified voice shook next to me. Poor guy looked like he was gonna pee himself.

"Scabbers?" Dumbledore looked past Harry to give Ron a puzzled look.

"He's my rat, sir. He's not really a rat. He was a rat. He was my brother Percy's rat. But then they gave him an owl." Ron babbled gesturing profusely with his hands.

"The point is we know the truth. Please believe us." Hermione quickly cut off Ron from saying anything more and turned back to Dumbledore.

"I do, Miss Granger. But the word of three 13-year-old wizards will convince few others." Hermione and Harry both looked down, dejectedly. Even I felt the tiniest tinges of sadness.

"A child's voice, however honest and true... is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen." Dumbledore continues, before whipping out a little hour glass charm. I strained my neck slightly and sat up to try and get a better view of the object.

It was a small gold hourglass that was surrounded by a twisting golden bands. The object was hung loosely by a gold chain. Dumbledore twirled the object in his hands, admiring it.

"Mysterious thing, time. Powerful... and when meddled with, dangerous." He paused to look at up at Hermione and I wrinkled my forehead in confusion." Ron and I both shared equally confused glanced to each other as Dumbledore made his way to the door.

"Oh, and by the way. When in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin. Good luck." Dumbledore closed the door behind him with a jarring slam, causing the whole school to ring as a result of it.

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron quipped, looking bewildered. 

Hermione gave him a quick pity look, "Sorry, Ron, but seeing as you can't walk..." She paused to look at me questionably. 

"No oh no no no. I will happily decline whatever you're about to get me into." My face quickly changed from confusion to knowing rejection. 

"humph. fine." Hermione sent me a disappointed glance and then turned back to Harry with the hourglass object in her hand. 

Ron and I both watched intently as Hermione slapped away Harry's hand and twisted the hourglass 3 times. After the third twist, the 2 disappeared into thin air. 

However, not even 2 seconds after the disappeared, the large doors to the Hospital Wing suddenly opened and out came running, Harry and Hermione. They were clearly out of breath. Harry was holding a stitch on his side and Hermione was holding her stomach while keeling over, trying to catch her breath. 

Both Ron and I's eyes widened with terror and confusion. These people were definitely imposters. 

"What the fuck?! Who are you guys?" i found myself rambling out the first thing that came to my head. Hermione and Harry looked up to us, confused, but also slight amused? 

"How did you get there? I was talking to you there. And now you're there." Ron pointed to where Harry and Hermione were standing now with a look of pure terror. The two then looked at each other with a grin spreading on each other's faces. 

"What's he talking about, Harry?" Hermione asked sarcastically, feigning innocence. 

"I don't know. Honestly, Ron. How can somebody be in two places at once?" Harry followed suit with innocent act and winked at me. Hermione let out a soft chuckle.  I glared at both of them. 

"Do you guys know how much I hate you guys?" I quipped, shifting a bit in my bed in a more comfortable position. 

"All you guys have to know is that Sirius and Buckbeak are now safe." 

"WHAT!?" Ron and I both immediately shot up with shock. 

"Woah woah reel it back in! You can't just do that you know?" I shot at them. 

"Do what?" Harry replied innocently. 

Jesus christ I wanna rip his head off right now. I guess I am a bit impatient. You know? I'm the kind of person that needs to know everything that's going on and not knowing drives me absolutely insane. 

"Drop a fucking bomb and then tell us to deal with it!? Um hello? Do i look like Dora to you?" Harry and Hermione both burst out laughing at my Dora line, while Ron crinkled his forehead in confusion. 

I honestly don't know what that Dora line was all about. It just sorta came outta my mouth. 

"What's Dora?" Ron asked. The three of us turned to him and simply rolled our eyes. 

"What??" Ron prompted, clearly distressed from his lack of information. 

"Nothing Ron." Hermione answered through laughs. Soon I joined in laughing, and then Harry, and finally Ron also began cluelessly laughing. 

I guess it's true when they say laughing is contagious

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A/N: Kind of lack of action in this chapter eek. 

Word Count: 1275

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