•chapter 18•

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"Mystic Falls!??" I shout, jumping to my feet, feeling anger course threw my veins and the rush of blood moving up to my cheeks. Dad and Bekah both looked down to their feet as if they were experiencing the tiniest amount of shame for what they were insisting. 

I continued at their lack of words, "So you're just gonna ship me off like I'm some package to you? Why even bother bringing me here in the first place if you were already planning to ship me off again. Did it even occur to you that I might be helpful? I mean I'm only just one of the strongest witch, vampire, and werewolf out there. Hell, I'm a tribrid!" I paced around the room frustratingly, wringing my arms in the air after every few seconds. 

"Honey, we aren't shipping you off. We love you. It's just that we feel you won't be safe here and you are just a child." Bekah reasoned. 

Anger built up inside of me. 

"Safe. Safe? I'm not safe anywhere!? You said I was gonna be safe at Hogwarts, but look what happened? Oh and now I'm not safe at my own house! Are you actually goddamn kidding me!?" My face is now contorted with anger and frustration. I had calmed my pacing and stopped in front of my dad. 

"I'm sorry. But this is our final decision. Mystic Falls is safe what with Stephen and Damon around, and you can see your mother." 

"I hate you guys." I finished, trying to keep my voice from shaking, but failing miserably. Tears had squeezed past my eyes and were now stinging down my bright pink cheeks. My dad's face fell slightly, but quickly reverted back to a harsh look. 

"I'm sorry honey. But your mother is coming to pick you up tomorrow." With one final glance, Klaus stood up and left the room, leaving me fuming in front of a sympathetic aunt. 

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"I mean how could he do this? Am I a burden to him or something?" I sobbed, burying myself in Bekah's shoulder as hot tears streamed down my face. 

"He loves and cares for you very deeply. He just doesn't know how to show him." Rebekah pulled out of the hug, but kept a strong grip on my shoulders, looking directly in my eyes. 

"Your father went through a lot before he had you. I think you're changing him for the better. He loves you more than you could ever imagine, even to the point where he would let you go for your safety. You have to believe and trust in him." 

I couldn't though. At every turn, it felt like her kept trying to push me away. To extract me from his life. I just didn't know why? Why was he so dead set on sending away from him? Why couldn't he just accept me and allow me to help him? Why couldn't he love me?

My anger sound boiled down to raw emotion and sadness as my eyes continues to sprout tears of every shape and size. 

I nodded slowly as a response, even though deep down, I knew I was lying. 

I excused myself from the room and practically sprinted to my room, making sure to slam the door behind me. 

The second the door shut behind me, I collapsed. My back slid against the door as I crumbled onto the floor, hugging my knees closely to my chest. 

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I didn't leave my room for the rest of the day. When night fall came around, my eyes were red and puffy, all the tears had been dried out. 

I wasn't only crying over this specific situation, though. It was a buildup of everything that my dad had done that made me feel like a.......what's the word? Burden. 

Like when I was 10. The first time I had ever been in Mystic Falls, wasn't on my own accord. Something Klaus briefly glossed over, as The Hollow, was apparently taking and using young witches like me. 

This, I understood. But what I didn't understand was why Hope was allowed to stay, and I wasn't. To my 10 year old self, it felt like I was the useless one. The daughter that wasn't needed and presence wasn't wanted. Hope, was always the bright one, and everybody treated her like that. Even now, I was being sent away for my own "safety", while Hope was still allowed to stay. 

When I was younger, I hated her. Loathed even. I couldn't get it out of my head that she was better than me and more loved than me. 

It hurt. 

It still hurts. 

The feeling of always being second best. 

I guess this is why I loved Hogwarts so much. I was never second there. I was never the afterthought during a plan of some sort. But now, once again, I was being ripped away from that and shipped back off the Mystic Falls where I was supposed to be "safe." 

But, I'm never really safe. No matter where I am.

 I still have "Mikealson" written on my back. 

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Please vote if you like my story so far, it would mean the world to me!!

A/N: Honestly, someone please tell me what the hell this chapter is? Cause I have no idea. I had the bright idea of writing this at midnight, so it's absolute trash. I don't even know why it sounds so dramatic at the end, but eh. Let me know what you think. 

Word Count: 1017

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