•chapter 19•

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The best feeling of going on a car ride on a rainy day is pressing your forehead against the ice cold window, that's fogged over with dew. I don't care what any of you say otherwise, 

It very much is thee best feeling in the world. 

On top of that, tracing little water angels with your pointer finger on the fogged over window was always the best part of my childhood. I remember one time, I had written a phrase that I had overheard Bekah yelling at some random dude, on the window while we were driving to the Bayu. 

Apparently, the phrase wasn't exactly a "good" word to write on a car window for all the passing cars to see. Long story short, my mom and dad both saw it (I know, double whammy) and both got mad at me about it. 

The phrase was "You're a bitch." 

I mean, I'm not gonna pretend that I don't use that word today, but to a 7 year old, those words were pretty big deals. 

I was sitting, unbothered, in my mom's car. I creepy man with raven black hair sat in the front. I actually didn't mind him that much. He was the only person who didnt care to make idle chit chat with me. I think he introduced himself somewhere during the beginning of the trip, but the name already left my mind. His name, to me, was now Raven-boy. 

I barely talked to my mom. Even throughout my whole existence, she barely showed up. Maybe she just had too much things going on in Mystic Falls, or maybe my dad was just too protective over me to let her show up. I'd never know. We'd always just had an awkward relationship I guess. 

"So, how's school been going? Your father tells me you're going to Hogwarts?" 

"Uh yeah. It's fine I guess." I reply awkwardly, fidgeting with my thumbs that were hovering above my lap. 

"Anything fun going on?" She followed. I will admit, the persistence was quite admirable. 

"Nothing really. Everything's pretty smooth. The Mikealson name was already pretty famous there before I came." 

Caroline merely nodded as a response, obviously unable to think of anything else to ask. I continued looking out the window, watching as New Orleans whirled past us. Although my head was turned to the side, I could still see Raven-boy watching me from the corning of my eye. 

He looked weary, almost......suspicious? 

I turned my head to face his gaze, challenging him slightly. I honestly didn't know what the hell I was doing. He clearly was apprehensive about me, and I may have just made it worse considering his "gaze turned into a full on glare. 

I cocked my head slightly and raised my eyebrow at him, questioningly. Urging him to voice whatever he was thinking about me. I watched intently as the Raven-boy's glare softened a bit before snapping out of it completely. He turned back to face the rode, as if nothing had happened. 

I, once again, resumed to bore my gaze into the window. 

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"Hi." I nodded curtly at the array of humans sprawled in front of me. I was led into a gigantic house that they called "The Salvatore House." I know, how original. 

2 brunettes, one with pale skin, and the other with darker skin, were sitting in front of the couch, leaning against it. Another brunette boy, was laid out on the couch directly across from the one with the girls. There was a blonde boy and a dirty blonde guy sitting on both edges of the couch. 

Everybody was staring at me. 

They all had one expression written on their faces. 


This is gonna be such a fun trip. 

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I hate this place. I hate everything about it already. 

After a very forced and uncomfortable introduction, Stephen had asked to "have a word" with Raven-boy, whom I still didn't know the name of. 

Elena, Bonnie, Jeremy, Caroline, AND Matt had all decided to follow the two into a room, despite not being called, leaving me to sit alone on the couch, questioning my entire life existence. 

Now is not the time to eavesdrop right? I mean would it hurt? But then again, do I really want to know what they're saying about me? Do I? Then I would be able to know how to act around them to maybe gain their trust. Wait. I don't need to gain their trust though? They're only here to babysit me. But, it would be nice to know what their saying about me right? 

After awhile of sitting there, going back and forth in my mind on whether I should listen in on their "discussion" about me with my vamp hearing, I eventually gave in. 

Turns out I had just wasted ten minutes of my life arguing with myself for nothing. 

These Salvatore peeps weren't as dumb as they looked. And trust me, they looked dumb. Apparently they had found a way to prevent vampires specifically to hear through the walls. Even The Compound didnt have that. 

It could be useful there, but am I gonna tell dad about this new technology? HAH NO. I still want-excuse me- need to be able to listen in on these "important" meetings dad has with my aunt and uncles. It was vital for my wellbeing. 

Honestly, I didn't even realize I had simultaneously closed my eyes and to follow that sequence, fallen asleep. Not until it was rudely interrupted by Raven-boy pouring a bucket of water over my unconscious self. 

"What the fuck!" I screeched, once I had finally registered what had just happened. 

"Sorry, sleeping beauty, but we gotta cut your little beauty nap short." Raven-boy smirked slightly at me, setting the bucket he had just emptied on my on the ground. 

"Was that seriously necessary asshole." I grumbled under my breath, earning a sarcastic grin from Raven-boy. 

I tilted my head upwards to be faced with the same line of people. I scowled slightly at their stone-hard faces. They clearly hated me already. Just cause I was a Mikealson. 

"Clar-" Mom started, but i quickly interrupted her, knowing full well what she was about to say. 

"Yes yes. I get it. We think you're an amazing girl and really a fun person to be around, but we don't want to put any of us or the people we truly care about at risk. You are , Klaus's daughter and he's been known to be violent, cruel, and mischievous. Which, is why we feel that you may be dangerous to us and therefore can't trust you. Thank you and goodbye." I rushed that last part slightly, glossing over the sugar candy coat of the "we don't trust you" speech that most people gave. 

I didn't even look up to see their shocked faces before I sped out the house. 

Well, that was successful wasn't it?

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Please vote if you enjoy my story so far, it would mean the world to me!!

A/N: The way the timeline between the two parallels are so messed up in my story, is really funny. Honestly guys, I'm going off the rails over here. I'm just making up some crap as I go along, I really don't have a plan. I have an Idea of the beginning and ending, but the middle is a jeopardy game over here. Love that for me. Also, I'm like trying to add some light romance into it. I'm like really bad at writing romance, so I apologize in advance. 

Word Count: 1366

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