•chapter 17•

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The next couple of days went by like a blur. I honestly couldn't remember anything eventful that happened during the span of the last 3 days. I really could only remember myself stressing over my family and asking hopeless, unanswered questions about the whole....situation. I closed my eyes, contently, as the piping hot water rolled down my body, at the same time, fogging up all the windows around the bathroom. 

There was something so free about showering. The feeling of hot water running down your face and steaming up the room was just so soothing. You could let go of yourself in the shower/ Something you could never do outside of it. By the time I stepped out of the shower, my fingertips now resembled that of a dried prune. I quickly dried myself off with towel before wrapping it around my body. 

Today was supposed to be the day my so-called Aunt was going to pick me up from school, and to be frankly honest, I wasn't looking forward to it. 

"There has to be something wrong about this secret aunt? Like how many of your parents have a sibling that completely disappeared off the face of the earth and was said to be dead, and then randomly show up 1000 years later!?" I shout with dismay from my bathroom. 

"Well I mean, how many parents are the first witches and supernatural creatures?" Riley retorted from the my room. 

She's got a point. 

"Well, she still seems fishy to me." I stubbornly scrunched up my nose, rejecting the idea Riley presented. 

I walked out the bathroom in an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. I know so fashionable. Note the sarcasm. 

"Girl, you are definitely thinking too much over this. Just stop thinking." Riley suggested, looking up from the open book in her hands. 

"Oh yeah, that helps so much. Just stop thinking." I lifted my 2 hands up in one motion and crossed them in a butterfly motion before pulling both hands outwards as if I was presenting a canvas in front of me. 

"When is she picking you up again?" Riley asked, completely ignoring my previous sarcasm. 

"I don't know. My dad said sometimes around now." I squinted my eyes at the clock above my door. 

7:13 Pm. 

"arghhh." I exclaimed out loud, flopping onto my bed, eyes facing the blank white ceiling. 

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"You're father has told me so much about you Clara. He must be so proud of how far you've come." 

Proud of me? I'm a 15 year-old that goes to Hogwarts. That's nothing really to be proud over. 

I scoffed. 

I was awkwardly sitting in a taxi with my Aunt or whoever she was as we made our way to New Orleans. We had just got off the very long and excruciatingly uncomfortably plane ride that consisted of Freya trying to make idle conversation that I always ended as soon as possible. 

"So, how's school going?" Freya asked for around the 50th time today. She really just doesn't know when to stop. 

"It's fine." I replied dully, pressing my face against the cold window, willing the whole ride to come to an end. 

"Make any friends? Particularly any boys??"  

It's funny to think that she actually thought I would answer this question truthfully to her. I mean, who spills their guts to someone they just met and clearly don't trust? Nobody but idiots. 

I scowl to myself. My head is turned to the window just far enough so couldn't see my annoyance. 

"Nope." I popped the 'p' at the end to show that I didnt want to continue the conversation. 

This, thankfully, was Freya's last attempt at making conversation with me. The rest of the 2 hours consisted of awkward silence and Freya clearing her throat every couple minutes. 

How delightful. 

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Finally, after what seemed like hours, the car finally stopped outside of a very familiar building in New Orleans. The Mikealson Compound. 

I shut the car door behind me and took in the beauty of this town. I was born in New Orleans and basically grew up here. Obviously, there was a couple weekends I spent at Mystic Falls, but it was mainly here. 


I snapped my head back to the source of the voice. Freya was standing at the entrance of the compound waving her hand over for me to come. 

I nodded curtly, to acknowledge the motion, and made my way to the door. 

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"Dad!" I exclaimed ecstatically racing over to the man standing in front of the couch with open arms. 

I threw myself into his open arms and buried my face into his shoulder. My feet were quickly and easily lifted off the ground.

"Hey Sweetheart!" Dad replied warmly. There was something different though? He was very clearly on edge and worried about something. 

His smile also seemed a bit forced and off settling. Whatever he was worried about must be really bad. Bad enough for him to be this worried. 

"What's wrong?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I pulled out of the hug, looking intently at his now obvious troubled expression. 

"It's your uncle Elijah-"

My heart stopped. My mind immediately flew to the worst ever possibilities that could ever happen to him. Dead? Tortured? Kidnapped? 

"What!? Is he ok?" 

I watched as dad took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. 

"He isn't with us anymore," He looked at my wide petrified eyes and quickly rephrased his sentence, "Um he's alive. He just doesn't know who he is or who we are."

"What do you mean? How can someone just forget?' I scoffed slightly at my words, but immediately shifted back to serious at Klaus's hardened expression. 

"It's a really really long story." 

oh boy. 

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A/N: GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1000 READS! I literally love and appreciate you all for this! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh omgg 

Word Count: 1115

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