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Hey yall I'm Karin Banks I live with my mama in her abuse ass husband Gabe. My mama is a drunk all she do is get high get drunk in beat on me. Her husband beat on me when I don't do as he say. But let me tell u whats happening right now.

I walked upstairs going in my room before i can even get there Gabe punch me dead in my mouth. He grabbed me by my hair in dragged me in my room. He picked me up in threw me on the bed than start unndressing me. I was kicking screaming in punching. I looked him dead in his eyes as a gun was pointed to the back of his head. He stop touching me in put his hands. I jumped off the bed in start packing my stuff. All my stuff was packed I tried to walk out my room but the dude that had the gun to Gabe head grabbed me as i was trying to pull away for the dude but he shot Gabe twice in the head. I start crying as he pointed it to me u scream u get shot as he said i nodded fast asl. He push me down the steps i saw to more people the dude that was holding me said lets go. We all walked out the house he threw me the black van in pulled off. I was becoming light headed in i past out.

Dave pov

What we gone do with the girl as izzy said im taking her to my house to i find out what to do with her as i said he nodded. 

We pulled up to my house izzy in king got the girl in i open the door for them. I closed the door in took the girl upstairs i put her in the guess room took her phone in lock the door. I went back downstairs in played Call of duty with the guys till they left.

hours later..

Karin pov

As i woke up I look around the room for my phone I went to the room door I was in but it was locked so i just sat back down in silently cried.

I heard the room door open I looked up in seen this tall light skin dude with tattoos all over his face. I put my head back down as I played with my charm bracelet. Whats your name said the dude. Karin as i said. Yours, dave as he said, Can i leave or can i get my phone back? NO u can't leave in if I give u your phone in u make a call to anybody I want hesitate to end your life clear. Clear as i said in with that he gave me my phone in walked out.

Soon as i cut my phone message from my bestfriends popped up

Bestie boo L: Where r u ?

Bestie boo L: Im worried sick

Bestie boo L: Im report you as missing

Best bitch ari : R u ok?

Best bitch ari: Call me asap?

Nyla pooh: Plz tell me u safe?

Nyla pooh: Im calling your brother if u don't respond.

I texted them back in told them i was safe in cut my phone off. I sigh in got up in walked out the room. I walked to the door that i thought was dave's i knocked on the door in he said come in. I walked in, in i said um did you get my clothes in stuff from my house? He said nope we can go shopping today in i said igh ig. In i walked out his room. 

30 minutes later

We arrived at the mall as we was shopping he asked me am i still in school in i said nope. U got a job in I said yep. Can i go to work tmr as i asked him, nope as he said. How im supposed to get my money i questioned. I got money as he said. Boy in wtf that suppose to mean as i said. Which means whatever u need i got you i cant let u go to work u might say some. I rolled my eyes in kept shopping.

Back at home....

We got back home i took my bags to my room took a shower in went to sleep.

Dave pov

After we got back home I call my niggas ova so we can smoke in play the game. As we was playing the game king was like so what happen to ole girl u in that. Hell naw she to young, she look about 16. Hell naw bro she cant be 16 with a body like that izzy said. Man imma ask her later on as i said. Igh as they said. After they left i got hungry so I went upstairs to see if Karin was woke so she can make a nigga some to eat. I walked in her room in she was sleep but her phone was going off like crazy so i grabbed her phone in seen some message from her brother in her friends im guessing. I made sure her location was off in walked out her room. I went in my room took a shower in went right to sleep.

First chapter what yall think ?

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This my first book im trying 

903 words im tired 

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