Party Time

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Karin pov

I got up in looked at the time in it read 9:30 i got out the bed in headed to the bathroom. I brush my teeth in washed my face than hopped in the shower. As i was in the shower i was just thinking about my life. In some fucked up shit that happen in my life but i'll be alright.

30 minutes later......

I got out the shower in rapped a towel around my body in sat on the bed in oiled my legs. After i was done I put on a white sport bra with some matching leggings. I  decided to post on instagram because i haven't posted in a while in that's what i did.


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Liked by:@thereal_nyla, @Eliza.thatgirl, @ari_thebaddie in thousands of others

hair by 


@thereal_nyla 🥰 bestiee booo

@Eliza.thatgirl 😊 my bestfriend thick 

@ari_thebaddie 🥺 pretty pooh

@Random check yo dms sexy😝

@hating ass hoe she mad ugly😂

@lil durk put yo stomach up lil girl😁

Dave pov

I woke up took a shower brush my teeth in put on a jogging suit. I walked out my room into Karin i didn't see her in her bed so i walked in front of her bathroom in seen her typing away on her phone. 

She had on a white sports bra with some matching leggings that hugged her waist. All i could is stare at her ass it was sitting so right in the leggings. Goodmorning to u to as she said. Morning as i said i looked at her one more time in said how old u is? 19 going on 20 in 3 months as she said. Aw as i said can u take me to the store so i can get the stuff i need for breakfast. Igh cmon as i said she put on her slides in grabbed her purse in her white vests. I looked at her in she said what put on a shirt as i said. Boy u doing to much cmon she said igh hold as i said. I walked to my room in grab one of my hoodies i walk back to her room in threw my hoodie at her. She looked at it in said dave im not putting this on. Than we aint going on where i said as i sat on he bed in leaned back. Omg i put the hoodie on can u cmon. I looked at her in said igh cmon.

At the store 

Karin pov

I was walking around the store getting the stuff i need to get after i was done we was waiting in line it was finally are turn i was putting the food up there as the cashier was scanning dave as the cashier aw u got a lil girlfriend now u can't call me as the cashier said. She not even my girl bro mind your business as dave said i just shook my head in laughed whats my total as i asked 94.34 as she said i pulled my card out before i could swipe my card dave swiped his card. U ain't have to do that had it as i said but i did grab the shit so we can go as he said i rolled my eyes as i left the bags right there in was like u get them as i walked to the car in waited on dave. 

5 minutes later ..

dave came out the store in put the bags in the trunk in got in the driver seat u could have helped me as he said no i couldn't why u ain't tell the cashier to help you. why u mad as he said im not mad i was jus not finna help. Your a man u got it as i said he sigh in pulled off.

back at home

I was know cooking in i was almost done im hungry can u hurry up dave said as he came behind me looking ova my shoulder. Boy back up why u all up on me in is u cooking hell naw i ain't think so now wait to im done i said turning around in his face. He grab me by my neck in push me up against the wall in said stop playing with me Karin. A bitch had waterfalls down there ok im sorry can u put me down as i said. He put me down in i finish cooking. I made me in dave plate as we start eating. My phone start ringing face time from bestie boo is call as siri said. I accept it in was like hey pooh. hey bestie wyd as she said. Nun eating as i said in u didn't get me nun as she said ill bring u some as i said ok thank you aw in ari in nyla here so bring them a plate as she said ok in i hung up. I grabbed two plates in put they food on there. I wrapped it up in put it in a bag. How u finna get there cause im not taking you as dave said. Ill call a uber as i said. Naw here i want u back home in a hour as dave gave me his keys. OK daddy i ain't know u was my father but igh as i said. He laughed in i walked out driving to Liza house.

At Liza house

I knocked on the door nyla was like yay she said as she took the food out my hands in close the door. Well damn i said as i push the door open in came we talked for a couple of hours in than i left. But i know damn well dave finna do the most.

At the house 

Soon as i walked threw the door dave snatch me up quit in said i told u be home in a hour not 3 hours. Boy u doing the most first off let me go. Second off i was chilling with my bestfriends. U act like i was about fuck on a nigga even if i was its not your business as i said. I will beat u in that nigga ass now play with yo life if u want to as he said he let me go in as i was walking up the stairs i felt a large as hand on my ass. Dave as i screamed i turned around in slapped his chest. I walked in my room took me a shower in a nap.

Janyla pov

Finally they gave a bad bitch a pov but anyways its a party tonight at 9:00 in im in that club. It was 7:00 in i was finna get dress as i was getting dress i called Karin she answered on the 2 ring hello as she said bitch its a party at 9:00 in u better be there im sending u the location now. OMG i dont wanna go as she said. But u going so deal with it. In with that i hung up in sent her the location. 

After i got out the shower i rapped the towel around me in went downstairs grab to pots in went in ari room in start clapping them bitches in her ear. BItch stop im up damn as she said. I was like time to get dress in she said ok. I walked to Liza room in did the same after i was done i went in the room in start getting dress.

Izzy Pov 

I heard its a party tonight u down as i asked dave in king. Yeah fashoo as they said. But Karin gotta come as dave said. Who is karin as i said. Nigga the girl we kidnap as he said. Aw nigga i didnt know. How old is she king said. 19 going on 20 in a few months as dave said. Bet i can get up in that pussy as i said. Naw thats my pussy dave said in with that he hung. Me in king busted out laughing. I hung up in went to go get fresh.

So this chapter 2 what yall think so far 

im trying my best but my fingers be tried asl ghee

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