It all happen this Night

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Dave Pov

I started getting ready for this party i took a shower brushed my teeth. After i was done i threw on some simple i wasn't planning on being there for long anyways. I rolled a blunt in played the game till it was time for me to head out.

Dave's Outfit

Dave's Outfit

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Karin Pov

I just got in took a hot shower i was still in deep thoughts about me in Dave kiss at the mall. It made me feel so good i get butterfly's every time i see him. I was in deep thoughts i didn't even notice i was in there for a hour i quickly got out in start doing my hair. After i was done doing my hair i went in my clothes to see what i wanted to wear. I finally found some after 30 minutes i started getting dress after i was done i grab my purse in walked out heading to the party. All i could think about is getting lit in seeing Dave.

 All i could think about is getting lit in seeing Dave

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Ari Pov

I was looking for a outfit in once i found one i threw it on in did my makeup. I had to look cute because i wanted to get my back blown out tonight in king was gone be the one to do it to. I grabbed my belongs in headed to the front door to leave in go get drunk.

 I grabbed my belongs in headed to the front door to leave in go get drunk

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Liza Pov

I was listening to music in looking for some shoes to match my outfit once i found them i got dress i had to look sexy i really wanted Izzy to beat my walls up tonight baby just get me pregnant tonight. After i was dress i got in my car in pulled off.

 After i was dress i got in my car in pulled off

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Janyla Pov

I knew for a fact my legs was finna be shaking tonight so i wore some to make Durk really wanna fuck me up. After i checked myself in the mirror i grabbed my phone in called a Uber. When my uber got her i grabbed my stuff in headed outside to the party.

 When my uber got her i grabbed my stuff in headed outside to the party

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Nobody Pov

The girls pulled up to the party ready to get litt. They went inside to smell weed the took a seat in smoked to take shots. Dave in his crew was sitting in they section watching the strippers go up in down the pole till his eyes meet with what Karin had on. He could feel his dick getting hard just by seeing her. He watched as Karin in her friends stood up in started to dance. Dave watched as Karin ass jiggled than she start twerking which only made it hard for his member. He watched as she threw her ass in a circle every moved she made it jiggled. He looked towards his left to see his friends throwing my money on the strippers. Dave looked over Karin way to see some nigga behind her while she was twerking. He could feel his angry building he walked over towards them in punched old dude right in the mouth. Dave grabbed Karin by her arm in pulled her towards the exit. He grabbed her neck in said u steady testing me Karin why can't u just be cool in i wouldn't have be this crazy over you. He smashed his lips into hers, Karin kissed back in slid her hand under Dave hoodie but that only turned Dave on more he pulled away in said lets take this to my house ma? Karin nodded in follow Dave back into the club Ill see yall niggas tmr keep yall heads up'' Dave said to his homies, they nodded in Izzy said u ditching us to get some pussy nigga really'' They all start laughing in Dave said fuck yall in with that he made his way home ready to tear her apart.

At home

Dave walked in hos front door in grabbed Karin picked her up in close the door with his foot. He start kissing down Karin neck as she let a moan come out her mouth. Dave sat her on the bed in slid her dress u in start eating her pussy Karin moaned out Dave's name begging his to stop but Dave didn't he licked faster till she was screaming his name. Karin felt a knot form in her stomach in soon after a few more moans she came Dave slurped all her cum up he took her fur coat off in threw her dress on the side of the bed. Dave took his clothes off his eyes never left her's. He was finna put it in till she said comdom Dave sigh in said i don't got one Karin rolled her eyes in said David don't cum in me he nodded in put it in. Karin eyes grew big as she moaned Dave's name After a few more strokes Karin put her feet on Dave's stomach trying to push him out of her a lil bit. 

Move yo fucking feet Karin for i break that bitch'' Dave said

Dave I Can't'' Karin said threw out her moans 

U can't what'' Dave said

Its to big David'' Karin said

He laughed as he pounded in end out of her

Who pussy is this'' Dave said

its your" Karin moaned out

all fours now Karin'' Dave said

Karin got in to all fours in formed a arch in her back

Dave slid inside of her as a groan slipped out his mouth

Fuck Karin'' Dave said as he pounded her

Karin put her hand on Dave stomach trying to make him take some out but failed Dave grabbed her hands in pinned them behind are back as he had a handful of her hair. Karin screamed out Dave name begging him to take some out. Damn ma this shit go asl this gone have a nigga going crazy'' Dave said. 

After i few more pounds they both came dave flopped on side of her as they both was out of breathe. Karin layed her head on dave's chest in threw her leg over him , I love u Karin'' dave said. I love u to David'' Karin said

In with that they went to sleep

She finally lost her virginity what yall think so far?

Ill be doing a jump so next chapter will be them 2 years later yall have fun with this chapter enjoy

Wait a minute when should the girls get pregnant? Im thinking about that very hard

ENJOY GUYS!!!!!!!!!

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