Trip / Break up

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Dave POV

Me in the gang was taking a trip to Miami I went to Miami once in it was hella lit so I decided to take Karin in the gang.

Karin been acting weird all day I knew some was wrong I just couldn't put my finger on it I starred a Karin as she finish packing her makeup bag I shook it off in finish packing myself.

30 minutes later

We was all riding in the van towards the the airport Karin was sitting on my lap sleep I took a picture of her in posted it on my Instagram she look so peaceful.


(Use yall imagination)

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(Use yall imagination)

Sleepy ass girl always on me🥰🤣

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Once I posted it I turned my phone off in went right to sleep.

Eliza pov

I was looking at a movie on my phone but a ad came on so I looked up in seen Izzy scrolling on his phone.

I stood up in walked towards in him and sat on his lap. He start moving around like he ain't won't me on him what's wrong bae " I asked. Nun but can u get off me " izzy said.

I nodded in got off him in went back to my seat. I put my hoodie over my head in silently cried cause what did I do to make him so mad at me i asked myself.

I use my hoodie sleeve to wipe my eyes. I looked out the window noticing we was at the airport I gathered my things waiting for the van to stop.

Once the van stopped I got out the van in walked inside the airport. Liza I heard somebody say I turned in seen Ari calling me so I stop in waited for her to catch up.

What's wrong bestie " Ari asked. Izzy acting funny asl like he don't wanna be around me but it's good what u need " I said. Want me to go knock some sense in him " Ari said.

I laughed in said so it's ok she nodded in said let find the mall so we can get a few things before we board the plane. I nodded in me in the girls took off.

Izzy pov

I'm still mad at Eliza from yesterday I mean I understand she's young but I feel like she don't wanna have my baby at all. She turns me down everytime I bring it up.

We don't even be having sex offen no more because she scared imma nut in her. Izzy dave yelled I looked at him in said wsp.

Nigga u good " Dave asked. I nodded in he said igh the girls went to some stores before we get on the plane. I nodded in got up in headed to the bathroom.

I stopped in my tracks cause I seen notes. I picked them up in walked in the bathroom in read the notes.

Eliza was pregnant already izzy

Stop being dumb she don't wanna have your baby

She just wanna have sex not a real relationship Isaiah break up with her now

She using you for two things sex in money break up with her now

I was so confused what u mean she was already pregnant I got alot of questions in I need answer I said to myself in walked out the bathroom.

7 hours later

Izzy POV

We was finally in Miami we all got our hotel's in was settled so I took the chance in asked Eliza.

I sat on the bed in watched her unpack since it was night she took out a jumper in ha underwear in her smell goods.

Eliza u been pregnant before " I asked. Yeah why " she said. How many people u had sex with before me " I asked. One she said.

So he got u pregnant before " I asked. No he wasn't the one to get me pregnant " she said. I laughed in said so if he ain't get u pregnant than that mean I did correct. She nodded in said what u tryna say

So Eliza where my child at " I said. She just starred at me like I was some type of wall. Liza where tf is my child " I said again. Izzy I was scared I wasn't ready I'm sorry izzy " she said crying.

I felt my eyes water I stood up in walked up to Liza in said u killed my child without telling me u could have just said u didn't wanna have my child.

Izzy it's not like that I do wanna have your child I jus wasn't ready at the moment I'm still a child izzy " she said.

U still a child if u so called still a child why u doing all of this bullshit u out here fucking in sucking my u just a child " I said as I screamed at her.

Izzy u tryna make it seem like I'm a hoe I'm not a hoe u the only person I sucked in fucked inna pass 8 months. I'm not ready for a child right now izzy I'm sorry I didn't tell u I was pregnant I'm sorry I was scared " she cried out.

Its jus funny how I thought I would have a future a family with a hoe like u a dirty nasty slut u sick as bitch I'm so done with you " I said.

Izzy no I'm sorry I didn't want to I was scared please I love you Izzy I'm sorry please don't break up with me I need you " she cried out.

Naw Liza I'm gone I'm done with you bro no need to beg I'm done bro u bogus asl " I said while grabbing my shit.

Eliza kept begging me to stay in don't leave her but who would wanna stay with her in she did that she dead wrong for what she did. I unlocked our hotel room door in walked out

Izzy stop I'm sorry talk to me please I love you come on we can talk it out ' liza said as she was following behind me.

We got in the parking lot of the hotel where the gang was at I got put my things in the back of the car. After I was the gang was just starring at me.

Izzy wait I'm sorry please izzy stay cmon we can make one right now please " liza said.

Noo Eliza I'm done with u bro u fool asl for that bro u could have atleast told me u I said as I got in the car in sped off.

If they only knew they need each other like hell

Sorry for any misspelled words


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