Chapter 20:pizza baguettes

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((Merry Christmas if you celebrate it,here's a sort-of Christmas gift for you :) Also above is a picture of a pizza of attempting unalivement))

Another chocolate bar,another mental breakdown and a shower later,I sat on my bed wondering about school.More importantly,my GCSEs.

I do want the qualification.Super powered people don't get paid to exist y'know.I should. Honestly I could've quit whenever.I tried to a couple of times too. It never worked. My body never gave up on me and in the end, I always found a reason,no matter how small that's all it took for me to choose to stay.

I wonder if my extended family are alive? I could ask. Nothing's stopping me other than me.

I wonder what it would be like to be logical.Sometimes I wish I didn't have to feel so much so much of the time but that's just who I am.And I never want to change that. Even if I despise most of myself there are a few things I'd never change. For example: my love for plushies.

A call comes through my tablet,Daisy of course, and I deftly select the auto-message that says 'I don't want to talk right now'.

Calls make me nervous.

I was never one for incredibly long-term plans but I think I've had a little too much of unprecedented times recently – including calls.

Daisy calls once more and this time I decide to pick-up."Hey Daisy."
"Hey Kiara.We have your favourite stuff from Wenzel's.Do you wanna come on down to the front and eat with us?"

"Yeah I'll be down in a sec."I said and began to work on the appearance of my face.


"You don't have to stay,you can take your food and go if you like."Daisy said discreetly as I entered the room. I love how much Daisy tries. Even though I'm annoying and often take it the wrong way,I know she cares.

"No, I want to."I said,"Where's everyone else?"

"Getting cleaned up."

"Where did they go?"

"Places."She replied to which I rolled my eyes."They're okay though.More accurately, they're not cleaning up blood."

Soon,Fitz-Simmons come in talking or arguing in the complicated language of science,shortly followed by Coulson who brought the goody bags in and May who had a particularly smug look on her face,different from her usual battle-hardened expression.

"Where's Mack?"I asked worriedly.

"He's got some business to attend to."Daisy replied.
"Oh okay then."I said blandly.This is the part I hated,the truckload of secrets,that I wasn't in on.It's not like I had anybody to tell either way.Still,I always try to coax it out of them."So did you go anywhere exciting today?"

"Yeah.We had a little trip to Monaco.And chased down some hydr- bad guys."Coulson said handing me my favourite veggie pizza baguette.I don't know what it's called but that's what I call it. It's the best thing in the shop, the pesto mozzarella panini is a close second though. Simmons watched as Fitz ate the panini looking for appropriate commenting,"It's not as good as yours Jemma."He said to which Jemma smiled widely and bit into her pizza baguette.

We have a loose menu for what food we get – we rarely cook you see, as we don't normally have time or energy for it ; so I've gained a lot of weight and I think it's a good thing too, I don't look or feel sickly anymore.Though I should probably eat a salad or a fresh fruit from time to time.

It's fried chicken or fish and chip Friday,salsa Saturday,sushi Sunday,taco Tuesday and it changes every week.The other days we just go with what we're feeling. Sometimes we buy something experimental that doesn't taste quite good so we just buy pizza in the end. It depends on where we are in the world too but recently, we've been in England so I know just where to get what food.

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