Chapter 24:the smurf's ordeal

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((above is the shade of blue Kiara's skin is

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((above is the shade of blue Kiara's skin is.))

I checked myself out in the glass as I rushed to kitchen.I was a smurf.My skin was 'international Klien blue' according to FitzSimmons. They'd made me drink a vial of slightly blue translucent liquid earlier this week.This pigmentation would stay until they gave me an antidote or wear off in 6 months. It also made us resistant to blue so we wouldn't have to starve like Apah recommended.

I stared around the kitchen hoping for some magical indication as to what I should do."Okay.What's Daisy's favourite breakfast?She likes warm things."I said aloud.

"Who are you talking to?"Simmons said suddenly appearing behind me.

"Just thinking out loud."
"Alright,Fitz does it too sometimes.Oh and don't bother with breakfast.I made her that already.And well,Fitz found her a hacking challenge.Mack and Yoyo are bringing the food.May's setting things up.And Coulson has been trying to bake since last night but has appeared unsuccessful.Coulson clearly needs help."
"Okay.Where is he though?"I asked.

"He's on a mission."


"He said it's important."Simmons replied.

"So no one's made Daisy her cake?"

"No they haven't."

"Okay then that's just what I'll do.She's getting a chocolate cake with ... blue vanilla buttercream icing because I don't know how to make any other icing and blue's her favourite colour."

"Good plan.I need to go help Fitz with the- By the way you look good in blue."

"Thank you."I said with a smile.


Daisy woke up to her breakfast in bed with a string to follow to the lab where Fitz awaited with a hacking game. Of course,Daisy finished it a little under estimated time which meant she had to be stalled.

"Do you have a favourite star Daisy?"
"Not really.That's a bit random Simmons."Daisy said.

"Well I do."Simmons said.

"It's Alya.And we're gonna name our daughter that."Fitz said.

"Woah.Wait!Are you pregnant?"Daisy asked,her mouth hanging open.

"What?No.We're just planning."Fitz said."Right?"

"Yes.I'm not pregnant.We're only planning."Simmons confirmed.

"Phew.I freaked out for a second there.Any chance I get to be the godmother?"Daisy said.

"Oh yeah.Definetly."Fitz said,carefully looking at Simmons to see if she'd agree.

The three of them arrived where the food was layed out by Mack and Yoyo.

It was pizza,mac and cheese,chicken noodle soup and chips – or fries. It may have been an odd mix but we didn't plan on eating it a bit of each in one mouthful so it was fine.

Coulson arrived just in time,carrying a rectangular parcel."Open it later Daisy."He said as he settled down to eat.

Finally we got to the cake.The frosting wasn't too shabby and the chocolate sprinkles stayed put.The chocolate letters I made were also pretty good to my surprise(i had to borrow a pipette from the lab - in fact most of it was made using lab equipment as we didn't have cooking things; it was quite the ordeal).

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!"I sang as loud and as embarrassingly as possible, partly to block out my intrusive thoughts that kept suggesting different ways in which this wonderful moment in my life was going to be shattered.

"Hip hip! Hooray! Hip hip! Hooray! Hip hip! Hooray!"We said as the birthday anthem came to an end.

"And one for luck! Hip hip! Hooray!"I finished off.

Daisy beamed with happiness.


Later that night we were cuddled together. Sure I'm almost 16 but teenagers need love and affection too.

"Daisy I love you.I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a mum like you!I know I'm going on a mission tomorrow and you're probably a little worried.But that's your job.To be worried.That's what mum's do.I understand and it's okay.I'm sorry I was being distant and a right jerk sometimes."She laughed,"Anyway I just want you to know that I'm not afraid tomorrow and I'll never be afraid again because I know you'll always be here for me."Daisy finished reading the last section of my card out loud and then burst into tears.And of course I started crying too.

We hugged each other tight.

Not even the combined forces of the universe could even deign to break us apart.

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