Chapter 23:the coalition

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I GOT A CHALLENGE FOR YOU! -Yeah me too! Shut up! -Go to every computer in your house and- F*cking install ad-blocker,I finished off as I pressed the skip ad button.

You'd think a super-secret organisation who own multiple space-crafts would have a budget to install ad-blockers?

I just want ad-free music on repeat.Is it too much to ask? I sighed and began to memorise the blue-print.

This was going to be a long couple of weeks.


I woke up uncomfortably positioned on my desk with pen-shaped dents all over my face for the 3rd time this week. There were only 2 days left until I would board a spaceship and break into a prison.

The last week I had 'classes' which consisted of intense physical training and alien language and prison systems learning. I spent all my free time procrastinating of course.

The sheer amount of effort to pull together brain cells to produce coherent thoughts is astounding.

Here's an example of what a lesson would go like:

Skylar stands at the front and points towards the holo-boards.Skylar teaches the language whilst Ariefli tells us about the giant prison.

I don't know how he knows English. It's strange.He's part frost-giant disowned royalty and Kree.He,Ariefli and Hazelline had worked in this institution- though at different locations.Ariefli had never crossed paths with the other two til S.H.I.E.L.D brought us together.

I'm seated in between Hazelline and Apah. My left-hand doodles whilst my right-hand takes notes and alternates between playing noughts and crosses with Apah.She's not coming though because she's too old.She'll just stay here and help – I didn't want her to feel left out so I invited her to these classes.

Hazel is nice but keeps shooting me looks to pay attention. Good luck sweetie. I never pay full attention. It's too boring. There's just not enough if you get me.

We're going to free all of those people hooked on 'blue',first the under 18s as the prison is easier to get into and closer to the control center.

"Iski is exit.It's written like this,"Skylar says importantly." Roulpe. are the passes of access.Everyone needs one to get around,"Ariefli adds showing us an immaculate drawing of one.

And then an hour passes and Ariefli tells us about her siblings who need rescuing.Piela.

"Don't.Whatever happens.Don't eat the blue.Don't eat anything there.Sometimes it's better to die than get addicted.You won't even know who you are.You won't be awake enough to know anything other than to do as your told."

Basically, it was a giant prison factory where all the workers were slaves to 'blue' and so they were slaves to the higher people.

It's strange that we,a bunch of traumatised teenagers,are being trusted to lead a mission.The most surprising fact is everyone else to be honest.They've been here around 2 months and now we're going to go on a mission.

Coulson showed up on the TV screen."Good morning Kiara!"

I rubbed the sleepy dust from my eyes and yawned.I was too used to Coulson to scream.

"I see we need some help on time-management."

I rolled my eyes,"Good morning gramps."

"Yes,very good-morning.FitzSimmons have some things for you in the lab.And then we're going to celebrate the fact it's July the 2nd."

Something was special about this date to them.I knew it.But what was it?

"It's Daisy's birthday."

I slapped my hand over my mouth before a string of very frownable curse words could escape me.I haven't made her anything!

The worst part was that my biological mother shares,no shared, the same birthday.

"Shoot!What's the time?"

"Chill Kiara.It's only 10am."

"Is Daisy awake?"

"Nope.But she will be in an hour."

"Thanks gramps!Bye."I said and rushed away.

((I hope you enjoyed that readers! Note:This story will most likely contain about 10 more parts and there will be a second book. <3 <3))

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