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The new routine first began to settle in by the end of September. Viola had to travel back and forth to Hogwarts everyday to teach her classes. Some days, she stayed behind for dinner and found herself getting very close to professor Slughorn. They were both Slytherins after all and Slughorn had all kinds of amazing stories, that Viola loved listening to.
Sometimes She stayed until all hours of the night to listen to Slughorn's tales. This drove Fred crazy in the beginning, but Viola shrugged it off and explained to him how she was enjoying having someone to talk about history with. Both twins absolutely hated history of magic.

She was loving her new existence. Living with Fred and George - most nights it included Cat as well, since she was planning on moving in with George as soon as Fred and Viola moved out. She loved her teaching job and she felt more at peace than she had ever done before.

Scott and Malinda arrived back in England mid September. Scott had arranged his own living arrangements in an apartment in London, close to Charing Cross Road and Malinda stayed behind in their old house in London. Malinda was still dating the muggle man, she had started dating almost a year prior. This made both Scott and Viola very happy. Viola and Malinda hadn't had much time to talk about Sirius, but as soon as she came back, they began talking about him for the first time in their lives.

Malinda told her all about how they met, how they fell in love and eventually got married. Viola loved listening to how her parents had met and fallen in love. Viola told Malinda that Sirius loved her until the very end and how he wanted nothing more than to return to be with her. This comforted Malinda a whole lot.

Viola discovered something that both amazed her and surprised her. One afternoon, her and Harry were comparing patronuses and they both conjured their respective patronus. But instead of Viola's beautiful granian horse, a big fluffy dog jumped out of the tip of her wand. It was clear to her that her patronus had changed itself into the shape of Padfoot - Sirius' animagus alias.

After having announced their engagement to the rest of their friends, Viola and Fred had settled on a date. May 9th.
Even though Viola told Fred that now that they were engaged, he could take his promise ring off, Fred insisted on keeping it on until the day he would switch it out with a wedding ring. And Viola didn't take hers off either. It was firmly placed on her left ring finger along with her engagement ring. They had settled on getting married at the Burrow like Bill and Fleur, which made Molly ecstatic with joy.

Their house was a whole other thing. The construction had already begun soon after their engagement, and with the help of magic - it would be done in the end of October. George was dreading the move, since it would be the first time in 20 years that he and Fred would be apart. But with Cat moving in, he relaxed a lot more.

Fred and George's subsidiary with magical adult shop was more successful than expected. When Molly found out what kind of shop they had opened, she was very disapproving. She had screamed at the twins for being immoral, but settled down, when Arthur stepped in and made her realise that Fred and George were adults and could do what they wanted. Even though Molly could see the sense, she didn't want to hear a word about the shop.

Bill on the other hand... He was very interested in the twins' products. Fleur had grown quite big and she was wildly uncomfortable and felt so unattractive. Bill had gone to Fred to ask advice on how to make Fleur feel more attractive and make her more secure about herself during the pregnancy.
Fred had just given Bill a big box of products to try out with Fleur. According to Bill - the products worked like a charm.


It was the day before the big move. Fred and Viola would move into their new house the next day and had spent 4 days, packing down their things, buying new things for their house and whatnot.
They had decided to be apart that night, so Viola would have a girls night in with Fleur, Cat and Hermione while Fred would go out with George, Ron, Harry, Bill, Charlie and Percy.

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now