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The house was booming of people. Viola refused to go to St. Mungos and so did Lucius Malfoy. The man had been in captivity for 9 months and just now reunited with his son, so nobody could blame him.
Every member of the Weasley family came, including Ginny. Molly was doing her best to heal Lucius to her best effort with help from Hermione.
Draco had sent word for his mom, letting her know the situation and they were waiting for her arrival. The ministry had come and taken Rodolphus and Carson into custody.

Lucius was still lying on the table, quietly talking to Draco, while Molly and Hermione was doing their best. Viola sat on a chair by the table, not wanting to leave Lucius' side just yet. Fred was doing his best to describe to Percy exactly what had been going down, but kept gazing towards Viola. He seemed afraid that if he took his eyes off her, she would simply dissolve into the air and be gone again.

"Hey, Vi?" Draco asked on the other side of the table and Viola looked up and at the pale and blonde boy, now more close to a man.


"Dad tells me that you were the one who truly saved him." He said, more as a statement rather than a question. Viola looked down at Lucius with a little chuckle.

"I can't take all the credit. You guys-" She gestures around the room. "-Figured it all out in time."

"And there's more good news this night." Draco whispered with a satisfied smirk and glanced towards Fred. "I think I've won him over, at least that's what he said earlier."

"However did you do that?" Viola asked with a chuckle, but her throat was kind of hurting from her time in captivity. The torture she had to endure from her captor.

"Honesty and who can eventually resist my charms?" He snickered jokingly.

"Apparently girls, since you haven't found one yet." Viola bit back with a teasing tone and Draco slammed his hands against his chest in an over dramatic movement.

"You wound me, cousin. But you're wrong." He said and his smirk grew wider and more self satisfied than before. "Ever heard of one Astoria Greengrass? She's a 7th year at Hogwarts right now."

"Daphne's sister? Yeah?"

"I met her a few months ago, before all this in Hogsmeade and we kind of got into talking and let's just say... She definitely got my head wrapped around her." Draco said proudly and it made Lucius look at him with a shocked look.

"Draco, is this true?" Lucius asked and Viola suddenly felt like she was imposing on a family matter and slowly got up from her chair. It was painful to move around, but she was just so happy to be home. All she heard from Lucius and Draco's conversation was Lucius' opinion on the Greengrass family.
Viola slowly made her way towards Fred, but she was stopped by his clone who wrapped her tightly in his arms.

"George! Ow." Viola groaned as his squeeze gave her a rush of pain shooting through her chest.

"Sorry, love, but you have to live with it and accept my utter and friendship-love." George said and kept on hugging her.

"Fine, your friendship-love is accepted, but if you ever come too close again, I will sow your mouth shut and slap you after." Viola said and rested her head against George's chest.

"That's less than I deserve if I ever pull a stunt like that again. I'm sorry, Vi, but if I hadn't done it, I was afraid what could've happened to you."

"I know, George. I got letters too." Viola said as a sight, which made George pull back a bit and look at her in shock.

"You did?"

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