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To have gone from happily laughing, dancing and making love to Fred, Viola now found herself being tense and scared of what would happen next. Every guest, held back, stood in line outside the Burrow to be questioned by Pius Thickness. Viola stood to be next after Fred, Molly and then George. George stood by her side, trying to calm her down. Fred kept glancing over at them and kept mouthing at Viola to keep calm and that everything was going to be all right. But Viola was scared. To everyone's happiness, Harry, Ron and Hermione had disappeared before the commotion really began.

George wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close as Viola took one rasp breath, trying to contain her utter anxiety.

"Deep breaths, love, deep breaths." George said calmly and she tried to follow his advice. Then Fred got called in and Bill walked out. He squinted at George, showing his utmost frustration with his wedding getting crashed.

"You all right there, big brother?" George asked and stroked Viola's arm gently.

"Can't believe this." Bill said and rolled his eyes. "Fleur's in tears and I'm not even allowed to go and comfort her."

"Why the hell not?" Molly asked and crossed her arms angrily.

"Because I might 'have influence on her answers' - ridiculous." He said and shook his head before he stomped back to the lot that had been questioned already.

"This is utterly ridiculous indeed." Molly growled and looked up at George.

"You and Fred should stay here for now. Viola and Scott too." She said.

"Mum, we can't - The shop-"

"-Will still be there and you can use floo powder to go there everyday, but I want you here. All of you." She said firmly, not leaving George any choice. He growled and sighed.

"Molly, our belongings..." Viola began, but Molly raised her hand to stop her.

"We'll figure that out, but it is out of the question that you guys go back. I want you all here!"

Viola didn't answer. It was wise not to argue with Molly when she was in this kind of mood.

And then Fred walked out. He eyed his twin and Viola before joining Bill and the others. And then Molly went in. Viola's eyes followed Fred back to the lot being guarded by death eaters.

Everything had changed in the matter of minutes. This was only the beginning of something horrible and that dreadful feeling began growing within Viola. She would do anything to have Sirius back at that moment. He knew exactly how to calm her down.

They heard shouting and yelling coming from the house. Molly was giving them hell for interrupting the wedding and crashing her house.

"They are absolute lunatics to mess with mum." George mumbled and couldn't contain a smirk.

"-Barging in! Trespassers! Gatecrashers! How dare you?!"

Viola couldn't help but smile a little bit too. Molly was probably the most bad ass woman she had ever met.

Molly's questioning took longer than the others, because she spent most of time yelling. But after about 15 minutes she came back, her face flaming red and panting heavily while stomping back to her family. George let go of Viola and went in. He got done rather quickly, like Fred and then it was Viola's turn.

"Viola Raywood..." Thickness began.

"Black." Viola said harshly. "Viola Raywood-Black."

"Ah, I see. Miss Black, I'm sure you understand why we must ask you the following questions about Harry Potter."

Invitation Only ~ Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now