Cha Eun-woo||A christmas Gift||IM

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A Christmas gift

The room was dressed in red, golden and green - from the decoration hanging from the ceiling to the newly placed Christmas carpet - the LED lights vibrantly jumped its colours across the room, which gave the room happiness and life...the opposite of what she felt.

She's sat underneath the mistletoe, her hands covering her face as she relieved the anger and distress that had rushed through her veins after a very throat-drying conversation she just had with her friend - Cha Eun-woo.

After a tough and unique year, all She ever wanted, all she ever longed was to stay with him. For a night, just them both, to talk, get drunk, party and have each other's presence. Just for a day. But it had only appeared to be that Christmas Eve was the day he was busier.

She'd be hoping she'd spend Christmas with him, but he called her to tell her he couldn't make it in a very plain and basic way.

She began to frown disappointed as she looked around her apartment. Everything beautifully for nothing.

She stood from the floor, her festive spirit draining from her body as she slammed herself into her bed accidentally cracking a few bones.

"Ow..." She moaned in pain as she held her back and bit her lip.

Drifting into a world of her own, she laid there, her eyes closed and her legs sprawled off the bed.


She sprang up, startled by the loud knock, hesitantly  she dragged her feet to the door grabbing a broom stick in the process (you never know okay). Forwarding her hand towards the handle as if I'm slow motions she opens the door, expecting a criminal but is faced with a puppy.

"Binnie? Why are you here girl?" She squatted and ruffled the dog's golden fur, noticing an envelope on her collar. She removed the envelope and read "FOLLOW ME" in bold red felt too.

"Follow who?" She speaks to herself looking around the corridor to seek a sign of human flesh, but nothing.

Binnie woofs and begins to walk away, every step she made created a soft and pleasant jingle sound.

"No Binnie wait, where you going?" She asks, jogging behind the fluff of gold.

She had managed to catch up to Binnie but Binnie didn't stop, she ran down the stairs and the girl followed, casually slipping here and there because of the slippers she wore.

Binnie stopped running and barked. Not because she felt  threatened but because she was barking at something. Something on the rail of the stairs.

"Binnie, what's wrong?" The girl said as she managed to catch up the the dog completely.

Binnie barked again, and the girl took it as a sign and directed her eyes towards the direction Binnie barked at. She encountered a similar envelope which she had found in Binnie's colar. She reached out for it and read it. It was a date.

'June 29th 2015'

"June 29 2015?...what about it?" She questioned, scratching her forehead and looking around the stairs - not like it was helpful. Before she had the time to fully process the date and tried to remember Binnie began to run again.

"NO BINNIE WAIT" She yelled and ran after the dog.

Disregarding the fact she was in pijamas she walked into the reception which was strangely empty, Mrs Khan the receptionist was not there, Binnie climbed up to the reception counter using the chair and stood on what was supposedly the third note.

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