Yugyeom x Y/N||I Want to Dance With you||IM||

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I want to dance with you

*O/N- Opponent Name*

Her eyes are closed. She breathes in, taking a large amount of oxygen to her lungs from her nose and releasing it through her mouth shakily.

She then opens her eyes and steps into the stage - her stage.

Her dream as a child, had always been to have her own stage, where everyone's eyes were on her and only her.

She wanted to show herself and everyone who the real Y/N was when she danced, luck not by her side, her family faced difficulties paying for dance classes and she had given up her dream so support her family financially.

But she worked hard, all the sleepless nights, all the stress, all the intense practise came into hand when she had the opportunity to dance at a competition - to which she is a semi-finalist.

Y/N looks at the crowd.

'This is my first big stage, Will I own it or will I let this change slip away?' Is the thought that runs through her mind.

She wants to win - everyone wants to win. She couldn't let her efforts go into vein, ready to face reality, Y/N looks into the crowd, her face held high and her chest pushed forward, she professionally walks into the centre of the stage and the crowd cheers as she walks.

Y/N looks at the judges, and they gave her a reassuring smile.

YN breathes once again but this time she is confident and assured.

'Fuck the system, I'll have fun' Is the thought she has in mind, and pushed winning back slightly.

She began to move, her legs flawlessly stepping next to one another, her arms reaching high and her toes pointing outwards, giving her a firm posture, and her expressions, pitiful and sorrow.

She referenced a swan, gently transitioning moves, her body having a kind of its own.

It was all so peacefully satisfying.

That's it.

The music drops and the stage turns pitch black.

Everyone's voice grows quiet.

'Let's have some fun' she smirks and begins to break dance.

The music turns into a much lively song and Y/N's body has responded to all the Energy, adrenaline active in her blood stream, she dances - Dances which such passion.

The crowd also gain Adrenaline, the sudden song transition unexpected but they're loving it, jumping up and down and cheering endlessly.

The performance comes to an end and Y/N bows, highly grateful for such a positive crowd.

She's grateful for the stage but the anxiety growing within her is inevitable. Score.

The judges scribble onto their pads, creating a slight tension. Y/N hates it, she is a strong believer that when you need to say something, you should get to the point without the unnecessary pressure.

One of the judges - J-Hope- picks up the microphone. Tension rises once again.

"Well I have to say..." He stops, "compared to the other performance this one got me in my feels, the energy, the vibes, everything about it is just so...Me in a way, but in your style, it was really impressing." He says as he set the mic down and began to clap.

The next judge picks up the microphone. Hoshi.

"I must agree with J-Hope, the vibes, and the energy is really unique and it makes you shine. It is, as an artist,I feel it is hard to communicate with fans, like give them that energy, so they can vibe with you too during a concert but you got that in the palm of your hands, I know today people who don't have stage presence but you KILED ITT" He shouted and the crowd cheers. A

"For me, yes your stage was great, the energy was great but can we talk about the outfits like damn look at them." He starts and people cheer, "if I could, I would take you phone number and hit you up,you give me vibes of girls who would dance their soul out during a sesh you're really special, from you facial expressions to every movement you made. You made today special and I want to thank you for that"

Unable to speak Y/N stands stunned and bows shyly.

Not short after, her opponent returns to the stage and they are both stood in the centre with their heads down.


And the unbearable tension will slowly kill Y/N and she knows it.

"And the winner of Hit the Stage is (I'm copying the name, but if you have time watch the show!)..."


Y/n unable to comprehend, stands shocked but her hands immediately clap to pay her respect.

Water swells her eyes but not a single tear falls.

Accepting her defeat, she retreats to her changing room.

She stands. Disappointed.

She wanted to win. She wanted to get the awards. She wanted to prove herself.

She hadn't learnt to lose, but the time had come where she would have to accept it.

A knock is heard and Y/N shouts a lively come in.

One of the judges, Yugyeom comes in. Startled Y/N panics and stands her head hitting the furniture beneath her, which causes her to moan in pain and Yugyeom to gasp as he feels her pain.

"You okay?" He asks still stood at the door.

"Yea!" She shouts.

"Well just wanted to tell you that you were great back there, and I don't want you to give up" He says in a soft tone, his voice different from the voice under a microphone.

Y/N smiles and nods then proceeds to bow down but he motions her not to.

He turns to leave but stops.

"Hey Y/N?" He says, and her heart almost melts by the was her name sounded, with his voice.

"Yea" she says quietly.

"Can I have your number," He asks directly, "I want to dance with you."

Well shit.

Lol someone else got the trophy but I got the man🤪

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