Seonghwa x Y/N||Insomnia||IM||

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She can't sleep - that's how it's been for the past few days, she has acquired acute insomnia which is insomnia but a brief episode - at least she hopes.

Stress. Work. Family. Everything is too much for her to handle alone.

She rises from her bed, the clock reading 3:09, she walks to the kitchen and doesn't even bother to get a cup as she gets the large water bottle from the counter and drinks it in one go.

She sits in her sofa, accidentally sitting on a toy which creates a loud squeaky sound (for any carats I was just reminded of Akita sound lmao) striking the senses of her cat - she's awake. She strolls into the living room, her belly dragging her as she walks. Y/N stands and picks her mom-to-be cat and pulls her into an embrace.

"I want to sleep" Y/N says as she strokes her cat softly on her white fury belly, the cat meows lazily and turns - in position to carry on her sleep.

Y/N sets her cat on the sofa and picks up her phone and she scrolls though her contacts.

"Should I message him? Or should I not?" Y/N scrunches her eyebrows as she debates.

"Fuck it" She mumbles and proceeds to make the phone call.

"Hello?" A husky, sleepy and deep voice asks

"Hey" She greets.

"Why aren't you sleeping? It's late" The voice continues.

"Seonghwa, I can't sleep" Y/N sighs.

Seonghwa doesn't reply immediately, he stops, sighs and continues.

"Wanna go for a ride?" He asks and although he can't see, she smiles.

"Are you sure?" She asks back.

"Sure beautiful, get ready I'm picking you up" He says and thanks him.

She gets up form the sofa a smile plasters on her face, she goes to her closet and chooses her favourite hoodie - His. It was the most recent one she stole from him, traces of Seonghwa's cologne is left on the hoodie and she loves it - because it smells like him.

Y/N makes her way downstairs as she received a message from Seonghwa telling her he's arrived.

She smiles as soon as she sees him, hair messy, clothes baggy, dangling earrings, no make up - that's what she likes, the reality of him. She skips towards him and they both greet each other with a tight hug.

"You okay?" He asks, feeling her forehead for temperature, then placing a soft kiss on her.

"I'm fine" She smiles at him.

"Let's got then" He says as he opens the door for her and speeds to the drivers seat afterwards.

They both set off into the night's beauty, she rolls her window down, a fresh and cooling wind hitting her bare face.

"This is nice" She smiles and closes her eyes, sticking her head out of the window like a dog.

"Be careful" Seonghwa says worriedly 'a truck might pass and take her head' he thought.

"Where are we going?" Y/N asks.

"You'll see" he replies.

The car ride was quiet - not that they minded, it was peaceful and refreshing. Occasional conversation was thrown here and there but they were quiet most the time.

The car stops and Y/N looks at Seonghwa and smiles brightly.

"Wow don't kill me with that smile" Seonghwa compliments as he Shys away.

"This ugly face?" You snort. You look around,This is the place, many memories are stored in the rocks and in the stars here. On the place where Y/N's and Seonghwa's lives had began. Their love for each other grew here 4 years ago and look at them- still going strong.

Y/N gets out the car and Seonghwa follows, both immersed into the night sky. Their lips part in awe of the night view of the city but in a rural point of view.

"Hopefully you can cool some steam here" Seonghwa says, but doesn't look at Y/N.

"Hopefully" Y/N repeats and steals a glance from him.

Y/N is so into the moment, next to the man she loves, the stars shining in the sky, she's beginning to learn that; running away from your problems once in a while is perfectly fine.

Seonghwa reaches to hold Y/N's hands and she allows him to, she leans into his chest and he hugs her tightly.

This is  perfect, him, the stars the weather, the atmosphere- everything. Seonghwa picks Y/N up and places her on the bonnet of the car, and he also sits on it, pulling her closer as they cuddle.

"I love you Y/N" Seonghwa says.

"I love you too Park Seonghwa" She smiles as she snuggles underneath his neck, sleep devouring her systems - this is what she needed warmth, warmth of her love, Park Seonghwa.

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