eating disorder

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Scarlets' POV
we finally get back to the bus and I go straight to the bathroom. I turn on the shower so they can't hear me throw up and I bend down to the toilet. I'm throwing up so much. just as I get done throwing up I hear a knock on the door. shit it's Vic. I quickly flush the toilet. he knocks again and asks what's going on. I lie to him once again and tell him I am on my period. I don't think he bought my lie again. I tell him I'm going to head into the shower.

Vic is finally away from the bathroom so I get out my sharpeners and break them to get the blades out and I hop into the shower. the water isn't too hot so it won't burn my cuts from yesterday. the shampoo is running out of my hair as I'm washing it out. I finally get conditioner in my hair and let it sit while I slice my arms every way possible telling myself I'm ugly and worthless. I'm now crying and I put the blades on the sink and wash the conditioner out of my hair. now I'm out of the shower and I put my sweatshirt back on and grab my blades and I head out of the bathroom.

Vics' POV
I heard strange noises coming from the bathroom. I knocked on the door to see if she is okay. I think she is throwing up but I'm not completely sure. she tells me that she is on her period but I don't believe her. she's now in the shower so I leave and head over to the guys.
Mike, Tony, and Jaime look at me and I tell them that I'm concerned about Scarlet. Mike agrees with me and says he knew something was up when she hardly ate her food. I then proceed to tell them that Scarlet was throwing up in the bathroom and lied about it by covering it up by her period. Jaime says we should confront her about it.

Scarlets' POV
I walk into the lounge and everyone is staring at me. Tony gestures me to sit down. my heart begins to race and I feel my face turn red. Vic starts the conversation with the same old rant about how they all love and care about me. Mike chimes in and bluntly says "are you starving yourself" I feel my whole body get warm. tears begin to fill my eyes. Jaime comes and hugs me.

I had to tell them the truth. I told them that I was bullied for being overweight which led me to starving myself. the hardest part of the conversation was telling them that I purposely make myself throw up if I ate too much. it was getting late so I ended the conversation and told them I was going to bed.

Adopted by Vic FuentesWhere stories live. Discover now