after my attempt

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Scarlets' POV
it's been a week since the incident. I've mostly been in my room resting. dad said he is going to put me in online school. I guess he doesn't want me skipping anymore. I still can hang out with suicidal wasted teens since I can do online school anytime during the day. I'm surprised dad didn't ask where I got the alcohol and weed from. I hope he doesn't ask. anyways I've been put on suicide watch for a week and I have 4 days left. dad has been checking up on me and I can't go to the bathroom without dad waiting outside the door for me. or if dad can't check on me he has one of the guys do it. I don't really mind it. it is what is it.

today I'm planning on playing some board games with dad and the guys and then watch a movie later. I also was planning on sneaking out tonight to meet up with Blaze but I have no idea how I'm going to pull that off while being on suicide watch. I mean I'll sneak out at night and dad shouldn't notice because he doesn't check up on me during the night. but still I just don't want to get caught.

it's been a few hours and now I'm playing the game Life with dad and the guys. so far Tony is ahead of everyone. I've lost so much money. dad has 3 kids. Mike is married. Jaime became super rich. eventually Tony ends up winning. we decided on playing one more round until we get settled to watch Norbit. I've seen Norbit before and it's super hilarious. I'm laying next to dad. something in me made me realize how grateful I am for him. I look up at him and whisper I love you dad. he smiles and whispers I love you back. sometimes I feel bad for the things I do because if dad found out he would be so disappointed in me. we finished the movie and the guys went home. dad said he wanted to talk to me once they left. I wonder what he wants to talk to me about.

Vics' POV
so we never did talk about what happened that night you tried to take your life. I think it would be good to talk about it. you stood on those tracks and waited for the train to come. you got hit and miraculously lived without any damage done to your body. why Scarlet? why did you try to take your life again?

Scarlets' POV
I feel tears coming down my face. I try speaking but my throat is so choked up to get any words out. dad starts to hug me to calm me down. once I'm calmed down I tell him why. I felt like I let you down and that made me feel bad. I just felt like no one needed me. I didn't want to live anymore.

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