Brocks funeral

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Scarlets' POV
dad and I spent the last few days in the hotel and going out. we got everything packed up and are in the airport now. we've been waiting in these chairs for awhile. it's getting kinda boring. I hear my phone buzz from out of my pocket and grab my phone to see Blaze calling. it's not strange for him to be calling but he knows I'm coming home today so maybe he's excited and wanted to call me for the soul purpose of being happy I'm coming back. I answer and he seems to be very upset. he is talking gibberish and I can't understand him. I tell him to calm down and then he says Brock killed himself. he keeps repeating Brock killed himself. my eyes begin to fill up with tears. how could Brock of killed himself? he's gone. Blaze ended up hanging up but before he did he mentioned that he would keep me updated with everything. Blaze just found out and then called me. I just can't comprehend this. dad looked at me with deep worry and confusion and said "what happened Scarlet? what's wrong" the only words I could make out was "he's gone. he's gone." dad just kept asking who's gone Scarlet? who's gone? this can't be real. he can't be dead. "who's dead" dad asked. B r o c k is dead. he killed himself! I wipe my tears away and hug dad. he is rubbing my back and now everyone is staring at us.

Vics' POV
Brock killed himself! as soon as Scarlet told me what happened my heart dropped and then I felt a sad pain in me. I then hugged her. I knew Brock was her friend. he was a really good friend to her. it's truly saddening that he took his own life. he was also a fan of ours. the night I first met him he told me how much our music has impacted him. such a tragedy. I feel so bad for his parents and family. I cannot imagine what they are going through right now. I know that Blaze and Ashton are also suicidal because Scarlet told me and I just hope that this doesn't drive them to kill themselves as well. oh god this might effect Scarlet so much to the point where she might want to kill herself again. the lady on the announcements calls our plane time and it's now time to aboard our plane and go home.

Scarlets' POV
dad and I are in our seats on the plane. I told dad that I didn't feel like talking about the situation right now. I just wanted to rest and listen to music. I actually felt like crying but somehow I became numb which that feeling is worse. I ended up falling asleep with my earbuds in. 2 hours have passed and I'm now awake. it's almost time to land. I just want this day to be over. I wanna go home and sleep in my bed and never wake up. I hear my phone buzz and it's Blaze. I immediately answer it. "ScarletI got an update. Brock shot himself with a gun that he used to use to go shooting with. his mom found him dead in his room with a letter next to him. there will be a funeral and according to his mom it's going to be next weekend." this is so sad Blaze. I can't comprehend this. "I know I've been crying all day. please Scarlet whatever you do please do not hurt yourself over this. I don't need to lose you to. when I told Ashton he completely lost it and tore his whole room apart. if you feel like relapsing just call me and I'll be here for you." I won't relapse I promise. I just don't wanna deal with the loss of Brock. I want him to still be here. It's so hard to believe that he is gone. I have to go my plane is almost landing but I'll call back as soon as I'm home. love you bye.

I tell dad about what happened with Brock and the funeral plans. he seems super sad about it. I really just wanna go home in my bed and never wake up. dad and I are waiting for our luggage at the baggage claim. it took awhile until we saw our stuff and we grabbed it and left. now we're just pulling into our driveway and man does it feel good to be home. I run up to my room and plop onto my bed. I wish I could be on this bed forever. shit I forgot I have to call Blaze. I pull out my phone and decide to text him. I don't feel like calling him right now. I just want to be left alone and fall asleep.

fast forward to the day of his funeral

it's saturday and dad and I just arrived at the funeral. Blaze and Ashton are here. I see them in the corner by the coat rack and tell dad that I'm going to be with them until the funeral starts. Ashton looks distraught and honestly who could blame him. Blaze looks emotionless. Brocks family are over at the doors greeting people. his mother just looks so miserable. 20 minutes go by and the service is just starting. they're talking about his life and achievements he has accomplished. then the guy talked about suicide and the pain is causes everybody. the service finally ends and it's time to go to the cemetery to do the burial. before we head out Blaze, Ashton, and me decide to say goodbye to Brock one last time. we're approaching his casket and I just about lost it. he is wearing a nice tuxedo and there is a wrap covering the side of his head due to the bullet that went through his head. I say my final goodbyes and leave Blaze and Ashton to do the same.

we're at the cemetery and the guy doing all the talking has a few more speeches and then it was finally time to lower him in the ground. it really hurts to know that you'll never see them again once they lower them into the ground forever. it's like a sudden shock of realizing that they are actually dead and you'll never see them again. they lowered him in and I look over to his mom and she is in complete tears. this is overall the saddest thing I've ever had to encounter. may you rest in peace Brock. we all love you.

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