Part 23

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Atharv toiled through the night, determined to return life to her. He changed the hot compress three times, his hands trembling in urgency as a frantic energy coursed through him. Finally, as the first rays of light stretched on the horizon, her pulse stabilized and she awoke with newfound vigor. His body sagged with relief and gratitude, tears cascading down his face, as he settled next to her bed in silent awe of his accomplishment.

The intense fear and dread bubbled inside him as he feverishly grasped Diya's hand, pressing the back of her hand against his lips in a reverential kiss. As his eyelids grew heavy with exhaustion, he desperately clung to her fragile hand, attempting to ward off the monstrous nightmares from invading his mind. He awoke with a start, panting heavily as beads of sweat poured down his forehead - relief coursing through him at the thought of it being just a dream. Yet, the pain remained in his heart as if it was real all al

Atharv's heart was pounding furiously in his chest as he found himself reaching out for her. His fingers quivered with fear as they intertwined with hers, and the sensation of sheer terror coursed through his veins. He fought to keep his tears at bay as he tenderly swept his fingertips across her cheeks, aching to feel her warmth, yet dreading what he might find beneath her gentle slumber.

Atharv embraced her without hesitation, gripping her tightly to ensure she was still alive. With trembling lips, he placed a kiss on her forehead as if it would be his last. His heart raced with fear and regret at the thought of her lying there motionless like his parents who were forever gone from his life. The image of their lifeless form burned into his memory like an indelible mark, destined to haunt him for eternity.

Dark emotion surged through him as he realized the gravity of his actions. Fear, guilt, and shame ballooned inside him like an inescapable force, dragging him into a bottomless sea of remorse and worry. He had spent ten long years dreaming to speak with her, touch her, punish her for leaving when he needed her the most- but now he was going to lose her forever because of his own reckless decisions.

The thought that he might have irreparably harmed Diya with his callousness loomed heavy on him like an anvil, crushing the very breath from his lungs. He had tied her to him with invisible chains of guilt and false promises, and the consequences of that were taking their toll in full force. His heart screamed at him for his cruelty, and a wave of despair flooded over him. He knew that only hope remained for any sort of salvation now - hope that he could undo the damage he had caused, and restore what was broken.


As a fierce, unrelenting surge of light scorched its way through the curtains, Diya jolted awake. Her head felt like it was on fire; her skull pulsing with agony as she opened her eyes. She braced herself to get up but found her right arm imprisoned, unable to move. With her left hand she frantically searched for the cause of her immobilization only to find her sheets and blanket in a tangled mess around her, trapping her body like an iron vice.

Diya's eyes widened to the size of saucers as she locked gazes with Atharv, his tear-streaked face evidence of an inner battle. In a sudden burst of adrenaline, she tore her arm from his grip and roused him out of his daze. After a few moments of disorientation, the full weight of reality hit Atharv like a ton of bricks; Diya was awake. His entire world shifted in that instant, and every other thought dispersed in an instant.

"Diya!" His voice cracked and his heart thumped wildly in his chest as he watched her stir, relieved that she had regained consciousness. He moved towards her quickly, lifting a shaky hand to place it against her forehead to check for fever only for her reflexively flinching away from him, repugnance marking her features.

"Why do you care?" Her soft voice was edged with steel and he felt the words slice at him like razor blades. "In fact, why am I here? Why am I back?"

He bit back a pang of guilt as he met her gaze. "Diya," he breathed, regret lacing through his voice, "I am sorry..."

"Why did you not just let me die out there?" she hissed, unknowingly driving a sharp dagger into the depths of his heart.

"Leave you to die!? You think I wanted that?! Do you have any idea how scared and worried I was until I found you?!" he bellowed in anguish, incapable of believing she had such little faith in him.

"No, I don't know! I was unconscious, and what is this?" She gestured towards her clothes with disgust. "You changed me while I was asleep? Taking advantage of my vulnerable state? You sick bastard..." Her words were like venom.

She felt betrayed and crushed when she considered Atharv taking advantage of her vulnerable state. Her heart wanted to disregard the possibility while her mind was unable to forget his malicious threats.

"Diya, I know my actions have not been honorable in recent days, but I would never dishonor you by exploiting you," he admitted with anguish, earthbound under the weight of his guilt. Tears streamed down his face as he pleaded for understanding.

"What do you want me to believe, Atharv?" Diya's voice cracked with anger as she looked away to keep the tears from spilling. "You are nothing like the man I remembered. Why should I trust you?"

Atharv closed his eyes and breathed deeply, fisting his hands tightly as he felt the emotions spread through him. He opened his eyes and met her gaze. "I may have battled my feelings before, but not anymore. I love you, Diya. I would do it all over again last night if I had to, even though I never wanted you to be in that kind of situation." His voice softened. "Love is too precious to be taken advantage of."

The truth she had always longed for came at the worst possible time. He declared his passionate adoration for her only a day after spewing the filthiest of hatred towards her. She could hardly believe his words; it was as if he wanted to rip her apart from within.

"Why should I trust your love, Atharv? Just hours ago you announced your vile intentions to destroy me and my family. Is that still how you feel, or has your sentiment changed so drastically in such little time?" Her voice was brittle, barely audible as she spoke, yet with each syllable her unhappiness became more palpable.

With rage and fury coursing through her being, she fearlessly spoke out against him. "You have provided me with no reason to believe your words of love, but rather countless reasons to accept that you are filled with nothing but hatred. Abducting me, locking me up here, and most recently pushing me into wandering alone in a desolate nowhere," she choked on her sorrows as her words pierced through Atharv's heart like jagged knives.

"Ten long years of secret longing, of watching and measuring every other man against you, of endlessly weaving together dreams of a future that could have been ours—filled with an unyielding love and aching loneliness. And though I'd have rather wait an eternity than to experience your confession today."


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