Part 9

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The three men hung their heads in humiliation, shame burning across their cheeks like a branding iron. They had used their beloved as a pawn in their squabbles too many times and had failed her in innumerable ways despite professing endless love. Their guilt was a heavy burden that seemed to crush them into the floor.

Atharv Singh Chauhan's heart begged him to release her, and his conscience urged him to accept her sorrowful pleas. But the Atharv of the past, who would never have held a woman captive, had been lost to the consuming flames of revenge. His cruel actions were driven by an unquenchable thirst for justice, as he struggled to find a balance between what was right and his overwhelming desire to settle the score.

Atharv approached Diya, his expression unyielding. "I gave my word to my sister," he said firmly. "You and I are going to wed - it is not negotiable." Despite his strong stance, a part of him questioned his decision.

His voice echoed off the walls, a warning of what his careless words had done like a poisonous seed planted deep in her heart. The venomous water he bathed her in with his actions and words only made it grow and fester until her rage overflowed. Love was no longer blind as revenge deafened its call.

"You can't stop me, Mr. Chauhan, but that doesn't mean I am coming with you, Papa. I will stay with Shilpa and Kajal," said Diya, making her way towards the door.


Before she made it to the entrance, Atharv clamped down on her hand and pulled her back, not paying attention to the sound of Sujith and Pranav drawing nearer.

He let out a menacing whisper as he declared, "You'd better not test me. I know how to make your life and everyone in it a living nightmare. You will regret this choice for the rest of your days if you cross me, I can guarantee that."

Diya felt a chill as his menacing words echoed through her body, unleashing a wave of goosebumps that covered her skin like an icy blanket. She slowly raised her gaze to meet his and was met with the ruthless glint of vengeful eyes that seemed ready to transform his every intention into a cruel reality. She knew that in this moment she had no choice but to submit to the man standing before her, who had discarded any form of restraint or boundary.

She could tell he was not done yet, and the fire in his eyes burned with a fervor that was almost frightening. Insanity seemed to course through him like a wild river, and it began to take over his mind like an unstoppable infection. His gaze held her captive, and she knew without doubt that nothing would stop him from doing whatever he wanted.

Mr. Chauhan proclaimed, "You both must exit this premise immediately. I will not tolerate any uninvited visitors in my home. Politely leave on your own accord before matters escalate and I am forced to take drastic measures!" Pranav, feeling Diya's pained expression and distress, remained resolute. "Why don't you test them out? We are certainly not going to leave Diya with you."

Atharv glared at him with a malicious smirk on his face, adding, "Your top customers are the Guptas, right? Let me remind them what they owe me. And don't forget about all that black money your mother earned in her role as Senator, Singhania. There'll be no way for you to go to the police without them throwing you in jail for murder and marriage fraud. Oh, and by the way-- Diya is with me, and she's going to stay here."

Diya was in a difficult situation, not wanting to stay near Atharv and lose her self-respect, yet scared to try and slip away during the day. She had to leave but the time wasn't on her side. The prospect of fleeing could bring out the worst in him.

The thought of continuing on with her family was inconceivable to her. They had sold her off in return for a business partner. Did they not feel their hearts break or hands shake as they shook on the deal to marry her away?

Her stomach churned as she looked at her dad and husband. Once upon a time, choosing them would have been an easy decision—she had trusted both of them unconditionally. But to discover they had betrayed her trust and used her like a puppet shattered her heart into tiny pieces that ripped her soul apart.

She uttered the words, "Leave!", her gaze off into some unknown space. They needed more support to fight against Atharv and keep their current allies. If she could hold out for a little longer, perhaps they would find a way out of their dire circumstance. Pranav Singhania was such an ally, and she could rely on him to rescue her. Even though he had his own plans, he could still think of a strategy to extricate her from the deep trouble.

"Diya?" Pranav asked, trying to make sense of her choice.

"I am disappointed in all of you," she replied, not wanting to get into it any further. "Sorry, Pranav, but sometimes the best option is to wait for a better time." Her words were confusing to Atharv and Sujith, who could not comprehend what she was trying to say.

She fled the grand hall, leaving behind her abusive father who had used her for his own gain, and her cruel husband who had sought revenge on her. She crossed her fingers in hope that she had made the correct choice in hiding right under her husband's nose until they find a better plan. A silent plea whispered through her wounded lips that she wouldn't regret her decision later, which seemed like a distant possibility.

At the sight of his friend's resigned attitude and the coldness of the other two men in the room, Pranav's heart skipped a beat. He soon regained control of himself as he thought through his companion's words. She wanted to buy time so she could find a way out when an opportune moment presented itself, and he meant to make sure her plan succeeded.

Pranav forcibly dragged a seething Sujith out and turned to Atharv with an icy glare. Atharv's smirk faded as soon as the door shut, leaving him alone in the silent room to face his demons. He slumped onto the sofa with a deep sigh, endlessly replaying the events of the day that had lead to this moment. He felt like he was suffocating under the weight of Diya's anguished sobs, emanating from her bedroom like daggers through his heart; obliterating any remnant of hope left within him.

The harsh reality of his mistakes slowly dawned on him, and he was shaken by the depths of his own cruelty. He wished with all his might that their paths had never intertwined, though it was too late for such musings. As a last resort, he muttered in desperation, "I hope that one day I can make up for my wrongdoings and be worthy of your smile."


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