Part 2

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Shilpa tried to quell Shanti Singh Shekhawat's uneasiness, Diya's anxious mother, saying "Aunty, why are you so afraid? We just want to visit my cousin's house and with me being here it should be no problem at all!".

Shanti sighed and shook her head. "Why India of all places? You can go anywhere else," she asked her daughter, not at all unfamiliar with her rebellious streak. She wondered if the real reason for her wanting to visit India was to meet Atharv Singh Chauhan - a thought that sent chills down her spine.

She was certain that allowing her daughter to reconnect with that person would prove to have disastrous consequences. So, she had determined it was in both of their best interests to keep her away from the one who used to be her childhood companion.

Diya Singh Shekhawat's words were determined as she spoke, her arms crossed against her chest. "I just want to see the place I was born and raised; we didn't even get to say goodbye properly," she said, not understanding why her mother seemed so anxious. "I don't think there is anything wrong with that."

Diya's words served as the final confirmation of what Shanti already feared. It had become painfully clear that her daughter's sorrow was centered around not being able to say goodbye to someone in particular. She had spent weeks mired in grief and despair, all while pleading with no avail. "And you'll never admit you're wrong either, right?"

As Sujith Singh Shekhawat returned home from work, he found his house in a state of unrest. "Shanti," he said exhortedly, "the kids can hardly wait to travel to India; why not let them go?"

Diya ran to him with an air of relieved excitement and hugged him tightly, as if her dreams had come true. "See! Papa understands me better than you! Love you Papa!", she exclaimed warmly.

Sujith smiled tenderly as he planted a kiss on her forehead and said, "Love you too, Beta!". He was wishing with all his being that her joy would never diminish, and that he would not have reason to regret his decision in the days to come.

Shanti's face was a mask of anger as she spoke. "Now I know why Diya is so spoiled! Thanks to you, Sujith. She never listens to me. What's the point of even asking me when you're ready to give her everything?," she said, her eyes narrowing. Everyone around her laughed in response to her puffed up cheeks before they enveloped her in a hug. All Shanti could do was hope that Sujith hadn't allowed their daughter to wander into the depths of Hell.


6:30 PM, Delhi Airport,


"Diya! Shilpa!"

The loud shouts of excitement coming from Gate 15 at the airport had certainly caught the attention of others in the vicinity. Kajal's parents sheepishly smiled to those around them, who seemed amused but charmed by the kids' enthusiasm. Mr. Shivam and Mrs. Neeti Malhotra could only smile in return as their daughter and her friend bonded more and more despite the miles between them. The night would be long ahead of them, even with exhaustion already setting in, yet their children were ready for it.

Diya grinned, her thoughts turning to her mission: "I'm going to find you, Atharv! No matter what it takes! I'll be back here at this airport before long, but not until I track you down!" Her friends weren't aware of the plan that was brewing in Diya's mind


Atharv's skin crawled as he heard the news his childhood enemy had returned to India. His fists clenched in rage and his heart raced with the thought of revenge. He couldn't tear himself away from the couch, opposite his parents' portrait, knowing he was one step closer to fulfilling a promise made to his ailing sister. The air seemed to still around him as he sat, simmering with hatred and anticipation.

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