Part 32

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Her voice broke as she exclaimed, "How could he-Aargh! How could my own father do such a thing? To try and assassinate you?" Tears flowed down her face as she tried to come to terms with the shocking news. "And Pranav... is he okay? Please tell me he's okay." She couldn't bear the thought of her brother being hurt. Her emotions were overwhelming, and she couldn't look Atharv in the eye, her brow furrowed in confusion and worry.

Atharv reached out and gently placed his hand over hers, which had been tightly clutching the bedsheet. As her grip loosened, she met his gaze with sorrow swirling in her bloodshot eyes.

"Pranav was heavily sedated and put into an induced coma to help him through this emergency. The surgery went well, and there appears to be no lasting harm."

Atharv didn't want to bring up her father and risk triggering more pain and regret. He knew all too well the destructive force of these emotions, capable of consuming one's very being. As tears streamed down her face, she shook her head in a futile attempt to suppress her sobs.

Her dear father.

Her own father.

He had tried to kill the man she cherished. He was responsible for her closest companion's current state of being in a coma. And he had caused the break in her shoulder blade, which could potentially disable her arm permanently.

He reassured her, "You mustn't blame yourself. Your father's reaction was his own and not your responsibility. You had every right to make the choices you did." As he spoke, he drew gentle circles on the back of her hand. He couldn't bear to see her biting her lip in distress over the situation she found herself in.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and he reassured her, "It's okay to cry. You have every right to." She nodded in agreement, managing a small smile through her tears. "I know," she said, her voice shaking. "But it's my father. I never thought he was capable of something like this. He has the resources and intelligence, but I never imagined he would do something so cruel." He reached out to comfort her, saying, "I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you. He probably had good intentions for you, even if they weren't for anyone else."

A dry laugh escaped her lips, contorting them in derision. "Isn't it ironic? His actions have cost me the use of my arm. What happens if I never regain its function? They won't choose me for the evacuation."

"Diya, please don't think that way."

"His action could have ruined my career, which had barely even begun. All of my dreams and aspirations, gone in an instant from a stray bullet that wasn't even meant for me. I-"


Atharv gently held her face and wiped away the tears on her flushed cheeks with this thumbs. "Who are you and what have you done to my Diya? She used to be so full of hope, always able to find another piece of chocolate even if she had just eaten the last one herself! Where has that optimism disappeared to?" he asked, concerned.

His words triggered a flood of memories, washing away the pain that had been consuming her. She couldn't help but smile as she thought back to those moments from the past.

"And there was always another chocolate. I believe you were the one who would replace the one I had consumed. And you were also the one who would lift me up so I could reach the container that was always out of my grasp. Am I right?" She gazed into his eyes, a hint of longing in her expression.

Atharv nodded, a smile spreading across his face as he leaned closer to her. "I couldn't let you be disappointed because there were no more chocolates, could I?" Diya chuckled in response, recalling how she used to beg him for help during their cricket matches while her nanny was busy watering the garden to avoid getting caught and reported to her parents.

"In those moments, we never understood the true value of our time together. We never imagined that one day, we would long to go back and relive those days. Did we truly appreciate those moments while they were happening?"

"Without a doubt," he replied with conviction.

"Perhaps we should have been more adventurous, snuck out more often, stolen chocolates without remorse, played pranks with reckless abandon. We should have made more memories to sustain us during tough times and draw strength from when the future seemed bleak. We should have laughed over a few more jokes. How I wish we could turn back time!"

A wistful smile graced her lips as she yearned for the carefree days of her childhood. The memories she held dearly were now her most prized possession, and in moments like these, she longed for a retreat into that joyful past.

With careful movements, Atharv wrapped his arms around her, knowing that any sudden jerks could cause her pain. She hugged him tightly, tears soaking through his shirt.

"I wish we could go back to those carefree days too. But we can't dwell on the past; we have to focus on creating beautiful moments ahead. This is not the end, Diya. It may feel like it, but it's not. You still have me. Pranav. Di. Your friends. And your dreams will come true, we won't let them slip away. I can't stand seeing you sad," he said softly.

Her eyes met his gaze, and she found comfort in the concern she saw there. The hope in his expression, the subtle rise of his lips, and the way his strong arms enveloped her all brought a sense of peace and rejuvenation.

She couldn't tell if it was just her imagination or if her heart was truly experiencing its deepest desires when she saw a young Atharv Singh Chauhan smirking at her playfully. She felt as though she had traveled back in time to the era she yearned for, and deep down, she knew he was right.

Together, they could build a future filled with love, passion, and beautiful moments. And she eagerly anticipated every one of them.


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