Part 7

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Kajal and Shilpa were inconsolable, their faces contorted with unimaginable grief. The hot tears that fell from their eyes felt like scalding daggers as they blamed themselves for the kidnapping of their beloved friend. Every nerve in their bodies quivering with guilt and remorse, they questioned how such a tragic mistake could have been made. Meanwhile, the Malhotras desperately tried to make sense of the chaotic situation, but even their most fervent deliberations failed to uncover the perpetrators' sinister motives.

The private detectives had searched relentlessly, as time ebbed away and the sun steadily rose in the sky, yet Diya remained lost to them. With no trace of a solution in sight, every second felt like a crushing blow to their hearts. Three hours had since passed since Diya's phone went off the radar and all that remained was the hazy memory of them walking into a pub together.

Mr. Ramesh Malhotra was aware that the moment had come to disclose the situation to Sujith Singh Shekhawat. Not only did the other man command more efficient methods for finding his daughter, but he also could provide the missing pieces needed to determine the kidnapper's plan and identity—which Mr. Malhotra himself was unable to uncover.

Mr. Malhotra uttered, in a strained and trembling voice, "Sujith, I'm regretful that I couldn't live up to my responsibility towards Diya Bitiya. Despite our efforts, we were not able to find the person who kidnapped her..."

Sujith let out a deep sigh of frustration and pressed his finger against the bridge of his nose as he spoke, "Atharv Singh Chauhan..." His thoughts were stuck on this young businessperson. Without completing the call, he hung up.

He knew he had to act quickly and decisively. He couldn't let that man ruin his daughter's life the way his parents had tried to do before. As he walked towards the elevator, he dialed Pranav Singhania, Diya's fiance, to inform him of the situation.

"Pranav, Diya has been abducted in India. Shanti and I are going there, and we need you to join us," Sujith said firmly.

The moment he heard the truth, sleep deserted him. Ever since Diya had relocated to America, Pranav and Diya were close confidants, and the news caused him tremendous distress.

"Pranav, let's not talk about it now. I'll explain when we meet in person. We need to get to India without delay. Make your way to the airport," Sujith said firmly before he hung up the phone and started making arrangements with his manager for a flight or helicopter as soon as possible.


"Mr. Chauhan, give her food in small doses," the doctor said. "Too much high fat food can worsen her condition. But I think that if you can provide her favorite snack and inspire her to take part in activities she loves, it might help to keep her connected to this world. Though, only a little." The physician glanced at the woman on the other side of the glass wall, her sorrowfulness apparent.

Aditi stared into her iPad, her expression somber and unreadable. Atharv took a deep breath before shaking his head in despair. He then addressed the doctor beside him.

"What did the psychiatrist say?" he queried.

"We'll start her on an anti-depressant and have her come for two therapy sessions each week," she said with a small smile, gazing at the brother of her patient. Aditi seemed to light up when talking about her brother's experiences - it was the only time she smiled and her eyes twinkled.

"Much appreciated, doctor!"

Atharv made his way towards the elevators, catching the doctor off guard. In all the weeks he had been in hospital, his sister had visited him each morning and his sudden shift in attitude raised alarm bells for the perceptive medical professional.

She confirmed her uncertainty with one final question. "You won't see her today?"

"No," I replied firmly. "I need to find my inner peace before I can share it with someone else. I'll come back another time."


Diya jolted awake in horrified terror, her whole body shaking as icy sweat dripped from her temples. An invisible vise clamped around her chest and lungs, making each breath laborious and difficult, stifling the very life out of her. Atharv's looming presence still lingered, his menacing words ringing in her ears like a death knell that denied her the peace of sleep. She felt like she was drowning in a sea of dread and confusion, searching for an escape that never came.

The hatred in his eyes burned into her soul like a hot iron, resurfacing as nightmares that kept her up late at night. She was overwhelmed by the countless possibilities of why he had done it and tormented by the fear of the worst outcome, leaving her in a perpetual state of trepidation.

She charged into the restroom, her feet sliding on the wet tile floor and crashing into the glass partition. With a loud thud she collapsed onto her knees, her vision blurring from the tears streaming down her face. She desperately clawed at the shower handle with trembling hands until cold water streamed down her body. Tears of desperation and sadness cascaded down her cheeks like a waterfall, staining her dress and flooding the bathroom floor.

The salty water crashed onto Diya like a tidal wave, yet not even the power of the ocean could wash away the pain in her heart. With trembling fingers she caressed the bracelet gifted to her by Shilpa on her twentieth birthday, and a lone tear slid down her cheek as a deep-seated fear that her former friend may have hurt someone to make the abduction easier rose within her.

As she looked at the bracelet, she tasted the salty tears collecting in her mouth.

Her tongue was heavy, as if coated in lead, and her mouth was parched and dry.

How she wished she understood his reasons.

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