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Angels POV

I slowly started to wake up because I heard voices. When I waked up I saw five people stand i front of me. Then I remember what happend en started to panicking. ' shh you're safe we would never hurt you' someone said in a calming voice. ' what is you're name?' The brown eyes boy said who I met earlier. 'A-angel Romano Ricci' I said still a little scared.

All the boys gasp and are looking strange at each other. 'Che sì lo stesso nome di nostra sorella ha detto che sarebbe stato?' Someone said. 'questo non è possibile lo scopriremo in seguito' a other voice says. I was really confused I wanted to know what they say because I am a really curious person. I wanted to know more about them. 'W-what are you're names?' I said whit a shaking voice. "The long one over there is Lucas then you have Lorenzo the next one is Conner and the last one is Alessio and my name is Jamie" Jamie said. "Where am I?" I said. "I want to go home" i cried a little.

"where do you live?" Leonardo said. "uh I am on a vacation here with my friends and this was my last day. Tomorrow I fly back to America the hotel where I am staying is the Marbella hotel" I said. "okay let's take you there"Jamie said. I was really glad that they just sent me home instead of keeping me here and asking question about what happen. "T-thank you" I say.

When I finely reach the hotel and said goodbye to the boys. I go inside to my room to see al my friends already sleeping. I felled a little disappointed at them. They just left without me they didn't even call me. They just left and they know me I never go home with strangers. It hurted me because when someone else is missing I would do anything to find them. I would do anything to keep them safe and they just don't give a fuck about it Sometimes I felt so alone I just wanted someone who puts me on the first place for once. And with that thought I fell asleep.

A couple of days later back in America.

Ring ring ring

I slowly started to wake up. Today was the first day of school. I hated early morning i and I never get used by them. It was only seven o clock. Then I remember today is my first day that I am going to college. My master was fashion and i was so exited. But what I didn't liked was that I don't know anybody there and i am really anxious about that. When people firts met me they think I am a very quiet girl. But when they really get to know me I am a party animal.

I put on my make up and put grab an nice outfit to put on. This is the outfit I put on

I grab my Vespa and drive to school

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I grab my Vespa and drive to school. I loved this scooter so much. It was a black one. Once I almost reach the school I started to get really anxious. Come on you can do this you're Angel Romano Fucking Ricci and you look hella good in this clothes. Once I reached my classroom I see that the students seem nice. There are is only one seat left next to a handsome boy.

' heey girll my name is Jesper what is your's?' Jesper said. I immediately knew he was gay because thomas was also gay so I saw similarities. Oow I have a idea they would be such a lovely couple together.' hey my name is Angel' I said exited . We talked a little until the teacher came in. We had to sketch a dress you can where to a gala. I was exited and started right away with sketching. I had so much fun in doing this.

Then the bell ringed what means the lesson is over and now we have a break. I am sitting with Jesper and his friends they look very nice. ' that skirt looks amazing on you' Dylan said. ' nawg thank you very much' I said. Then the bell ringed again and we had to go to the next lesson.

Once me and Dylan reached our classroom I saw police talking to the teacher. Dylan and I exchange a confused look. When the police sees me they walked over to me. I looked at Dylan with an anxious look. ' it wil be alright' he said but I could see the concern in his eyes.

' Miss Ricci can you please follow us' the police officer said. ' why I didn't do anything' I said anxious. ' just come with us we have to tell you something' he said. ' no I want to know way I have to go' then the police officer said ' if you don't come with us now we have to handcuff you'. 'A-alright' I say with a shaky voice. 'Don't worry it wil be okay' Dylan says but he didn't see sure. God damn Dylan you make it even worse!

Oh no when mu parents find out I was in a cops car they are going to be so mad. They where dealing drugs and they didn't love me. They even solt me a few times to a couple of man and they abused me for years now. I really don't know what I did wrong

The whole right I was thinking what I did wrong. I was so scared what the hell did I do. The only thing I can think of is the earrings I stole from a cheap store. But that was two weeks ago. And those stupid police officers didn't tell me a thing. " listen Miss you didn't do anything wrong we just want to talk alright" de police says. He can talk easy he isn't the one who is sent to the police station god damn it.

They put me in an investigation room and then walked away. What the fuck they just leave me here. What kind of police officers are they.

I almost fall a sleep when two officers walk in. Really they are coming now just when I was about to sleep!

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