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Angels pov

finely the officers come inside. But there not alone there are also four  guys. I recognized two from the club in Italy. What the hell where they doing here. They look so scary and big. And I instantly  tought of the many man that my parents sold me to. I got soo scared but then I tought they helped me so why should I be scared. But this time there where to other men's .What if they come here and they would hurt me no no I could not let that happen not again no not again I tou-

"Hey don't be scared where are not going to hurt you we just want to talk alright?" The big scary guy said.

I stil wasn't convinced that they wouldn't hurt me.

" We have mat before don't you remember?" The other big guy said.

"N-no I o-only remember Jamie and Alessio" and I pointed at them.

"Alright well I am Lucas and that one over there is Lorenzo" Lucas said.

"Hey princess we just want to talk alright where are nog going to hurt you so can we sit next to you?" Jamie said.

"Y-eah uh Ofcourse" i said. This Jamie Guy looked very handsome and I felt liked I could trust them. But in my world I couldn't trust anyone. They where al back stabbing bitches. Jamie was sitting next to me and Alessio was on the other side next to me. Lorenzo and Lucas sat opposite to me.

"So uh I don't really know how to say this but uhm Alessio, Lorenzo and I uhm are kind of you're brothers" Lucas quickly said.

Haha where they delusional or something like that how could they think that. Ofcourse they can't be my brothers it can't be. Than my whole live is just al lie. No no that can't be

"Really Lucas you can't just spit it out like that you idiot" Jamie said angry.

"You tell her than if you think you can do it better!" Lucas angry.

" look I know it seems crazy but it is true. Let just start in the beginning. Twelve years ago there little sister was kidnapped. They searched for years but they could not find here how hard they tried. But then the night we saved you and brought you home they al recognized you. And when you said you're name they where al shocked because they're little sisters name was exactly like yourse. So the next that we did was a DNA test and when we got the results it showed us that we where right. You are there little sister" Jamie said and the others where quiet and looked nervously.

"B-but that is impossible w-what about my parents?" I said. In the back of my head it al makes sense now. My parents didn't love me because they have stolen me. But I could not just believe them I mean after al these years they just found me now. What if they are lying?

"We don't know why they have stolen you but they aren't you're real parents. Look I know it's hard to trust us and just believe us but we are really telling the truth" Lorenzo said I think this was the first time I heard him speak.

" please believe us we even have proof" Alessio said. He showed me the DNA test and it was true the police even signed it.

"But what do I have to do know I mean where do I live and what are my parents going to think o my they are going to be so mad like mad mad mad. They are already mad because it's already five o clock and I am supposed to be home at four to cook then dinner. Please just let me do that then we can talk further please please I don't want them to be mad at me please" i panicked my 'parents' are going to be so mad they would always hurt me when I would come home late especially if I didn't make them food. Now I did both of that suddenly I felt a hand on my back wo drew cirkels and it helped me calm down.

"Hey shh it's going to be alright we will help you they are not going to be mad at you alright just calm down please" Jamie said. I then looked up in his eyes and started to calm down.

"Where are not going to let you go again we just got you back we wil always protect you" Alessio said.

"U-um thank y-you I think" I said.

"We would do everything for you you know. You where always my favorite I missed you so much" Lucas said I began te feel quilty because I did not remember him.

" I am so sorry b-but I can't remember you guys" i said scared thinking they would be mad at me.

" Ofcourse I already tought that it's nog that weird I mean you're where so young when we last saw you. I can't blame you for that so please don't feel guilty" Lorenzo said

" Alright sinds you don't remember anything we are going to tell you a few thing about the family alright" Lucas said and I nodded.

"Okay so I am the oldest and 23 years old then we have Leonardo he is 21 then came Lorenzo he is 19 than we have conner he is 17 and you are the youngest. You and Alessio are twins. Together we have a family business. We don't have parents any more they are dead but believe it's better that way. Then we have our guy Jamie he is 17 and not family but a very good friend of ours. He sometimes lives with us and works with us on our family business" Lucas said.

"Wow I always wanted a twin and older brother. Who of us is the oldest?" i said exited. I really hoped I was the oldest.

"Uhh I am but only by 39 minutes and believe us we always wanted our little sister" Alessio said.

And for the first time in years I felt wanted.

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