Meeting the others

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Angels pov

And for the first Time I felt wanted. But
that soon disappeared when I tought of my kidnappers and where am I going to live?

"Uhh can I-I ask you A-a question?" I said.

"Yeah Ofcourse what is it?" Lorenzo said.

"well uhm what will we do now. I mean where do I live and uhm what will happen to my kidnappers?" I asked quietly.

"We will take you  back to Italy if you're okay with that. And we will go to you're house first to get all of you're clothes while you do that we wil talk to you kidnappers.''He said with a evil grin.

It was so weird for years I tought something was wrong with me why did nobody loved me? Why? Why wasn't I enough. I mean yeah it was difficult sometimes with my dpd. It's basically a disorder where you get attached to people very fasted and basically can't be alone without very much anxiety. It's so hard because people around me found it so annoying. My parents always told me I am a dirty slut and that I am disgusting.

"Hey what's wrong" Jamie asked in a worried voice.

'W-what if you G-get bored of me And think I am disgusting?' I said in a really quiet voice.

"Why the hell would you think that?' Allesio said.

Don't they see I am such a disgrace for people I am just burden to them ? Well that is what my friends told me. So I kept quit because I didn't want me to worry i am not worth there worry. Then I heard a husky voice.

"You know It doesn't matter but believe me when i say you're brothers love you already they missed you so much and we will never get bored of you. We care for you already alright ?" He said gently. And looked me straight in the eye.

I think no one ever said that to me but it was exactly what I needed to hear now. I felt a warm feeling in my stomach and I don't know what is is but i liked it.

Jamie's POV

She was really something else why would she think we are going te get bored of her we will never. And second we will never think she is disgusting why the hell would she think that.

When she said it she looked so vulnerable and sad. Lucas and Allesio gave me a weird look after she said those words. I know they where worried about her. I mean even I am worried. But we didn't said anything we don't want to scare her.

After I said my words she seems to calm down and she gave me a small smile. She looked really surprised when I said we care for her. Like she never heard that before

I gave Lucas a stern look because he had to say something to her.

"Yeah we just got you back we will never be bored of you or think that you're disgusting alright. So we are going to you're house right now so you can grab you're stuff and we will be talking to you're kidnappers alright ?" He said softly.

I just knew we aren't going to be just talking to those kidnappers we will definitely bring them to Italy to torture them. And I knew this is going to be the worst torture a human being ever got. Because once's you mess with the Romano's it's over for you.

"C-can you promise me something?" She said and looked in my direction.

"Yeah ofcourse princess what is it it?"

The boys gave me a angry look. I knew that they didn't like the name that I gave her. But I don't care. She gives me some vibes and I already like her.

"Well uhm it is just that uhm I know that you don't have to but i just wonder if you can maybe look I don't expect you to but Uhm-"

Well she definitely was very nervous to say it. It couldn't be that bad right so i cut her of and said.

" you can just say it we will not judge you right guys?"

" yeah we don't care what it is" Lucas said

"We will do anything for you just say it" allesio said.

And she gave us a surprised look. I just know something isn't right with her. There has to be something that happend to her. I mean look at her she looked so scared.

"Well uhm can you promise that I never have to see those kidnappers again. Please I will do anything for you but please never let me see those people again I will literally do anything you want" she said en broke down crying.

What the fuck echt would she think that. We will never let her see those fuckers again. What happend to her? Because this shit isn't what normal people do. Right? I look to allessio with a stern look he has to say something

" Ofcourse not you will never see those people again" he said  and walked to her but i don't think that was the right thing to do. Because the moment he takes a step closer she flinched away. Something is really up with here and i will now what. Because i am not an stranger to the symptoms i had them to, from my parents

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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