Chapter 5: Life Won't Be The Same

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21h 32

I am stuck on a cross road. Do I call Dad and tell him what happened, or do I call Oliver's family ?

Oliver's mom and sister despise me because they can't stand the idea of having a black daughter-in-law . They don't want 'brown' grandbabies. His father is an angel. He minds his own business,and he told me that if Oliver and I were to marry, he'd give us his blessing. I take him as my second father ,but I don't know how he'll react when he hears that I caused Oliver to had an accident, which may kill him.

I decide to sleep here at Grandma's, My plan is to book tickets for me and Oliver's mom and dad to go to Cape Town, and see how he is doing.


I call Oliver's mom, Angeline.

"Good morning Ms Keating. This is Lauryn, how has your morning been ma'am?"

"Hi . My morning was good until 07h29. (Pause) I'm just kidding, how are you ?"

"I'm very well mam. I just have something to tell you. Where are you ?"

"I'm in bed with my husband , and what is this thing you have to tell me "

"Oliver.... has.. been in an accident in Cape Town . I bought plane tickets for us to fly there, they're booked for 09h00 . I bought tickets for you,Dad and I.

"(Her voice cracks,and I can hear her fall to the ground) what ?! Not my only son ! How is he ? When did this happen? What happened!!?"

" Mom, his car submerged a truck, and I can't explain something of this magnitude on the phone, I'll be there by 08h00, please be ready with Dad."

" No.. not my only son! "

" Mom,he hasn't died yet, we could get there in time "

As she was about to speak ,I dropped the call as I couldn't tell her what really happened.


I hop in the car and I drive to Senderwood to fetch her and Mr Keating. I get there at 07h59 and I find the garage door open, and I drive in. I go through the kitchen door, and I see her crying bullets. Dad is comforting her, and Oliver's sister ; Sinéad is also crying . I greet them ,and I try to hug Sinéad ,but she pushes me away . I then turn to Oliver's parents and tell them we don't have much time till the plane departs. We ought to get there quickly. Oliver's mom regroups ,and she grabs her Yves Saint Laurent handbag, and rushes to my car. We call an Uber to drive us to the airport, which is only 15 minutes away , and I tell them that I'll explain in the plane because I have to keep sane in the car.


We drive into the airport,and we stand in the queues to get our bags checked in customs.
I then tell Sinéad that I didn't buy her a plane ticket,so she may have to stay behind. She then gives me a stone cold stare ,and she turns to her mom. Next thing I see, The airport manager is talking to Ms Keating. I see her handing a ticket to Sinéad. "Mmmh, these people I well connected ", I think to myself.

We get into the plane, and I am seated far behind the family.

I keep on eating the snacks on board so that I arrive there on a full stomach. I quickly take a nap ,and awake at 08h 51


We all get off the plane and wait for our bags . Sinéad, Dad and Mom's bad arrive. We are awaiting mine, and I still stand there like a fool, waiting for it.

It never arrives,and I decide to speak to the airport personnel. The family then asks me which hospital he is at, and I tell them .

As they leave, i am then told that my luggage is still in Johannesburg. I have to wait for it. And I just decided that I'll have to buy a few clothes while I'm here.
It's a 30 minute drive to the hospital, and an uber takes me there.


I get to the hospital, and I am greeted by Dad in the waiting room. He says that only immediate family will be allowed to see him,as he is critical. Visiting hours start at 12h00, so I can take a nap or something. I then tell him that I had paid a hotel for the family's stay, but Sinéad excluded .

I then tell Mom ,and she scolds me on how selfish I am because i didn't think of Sinéad at all.
I just keep quiet , and swallow the insults.
They finally head to the hotel to freshen up, and I go to a seafood restaurant two streets away.


I get there, and I order a platter for 1. I call dad while I'm there and tell him that I'll have to miss a few of my classes, and he is disappointed, but understand my circumstances. I then call Michaela and ask her to give me an update on Oliver since she is best friend's with his personal doctor. She agrees.

My food arrives,and this quick flash of nausea overtakes my body. I grab a champagne bucket, and I vomit the hell out of my body !! Everyone is looking at me now, and I ask for a napkin. This elderly lady whom is my waitress, then turns to me and says , "Nana, O montle yang ! You are so beautiful! O expect 'a nana nyana neh ?".

I think to myself ," This granny is paranoid. I used protection last time around, and I'm on the pill . There's no way I'm pregnant ."
I then just revoke my order , I have garlic bread instead.


I get to the hospital, and I'm awaiting the family to arrive. I now feeling a great fever out of nowhere. Dad calls and he just asks about Oliver. I then inform him about the little that I know. He then tells me that our house helper, Mavis, keeps complaining of rats, and that just means that one of the girls or women in the house are pregnant. I tell daddy that it can't be me because I'm a virgin (haha!!).


The family walks in and they go see Oliver.
While I'm left behind, I start questioning if I'm pregnant or not.

I do not want this pregnancy at all if I am pregnant.
Oliver could die, I need to graduate, And I still want to achieve more things in life before this.

Plus my period hasn't come at all , and I begin to worry


I go to a supermarket, and I buy a pregnancy test kit.
I go back to the hotel and wait for the urge to pee to come.

It finally arrives, and I go to the toilet and take the test , what shall the result be ?

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