Chapter 2 : Something From The Heart

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Hi. It's me again, Lauryn.

Mmmh, I'm sure you must be thinking what kind of woman I am to think being in love with a pimp solidifies my presence in this universe.

Well ... before I get to tell you what shall unravel at our dinner meet, let's go back in time . Let's go to the days when unicorns roamed Earth <smile>!
Let's go back, and meet Lauryn Tegan .
The 18 year old Lauryn.

2017 - 12th Grade.

I was always acing my exams,always on Top of that Biology class.
I was your typical girl, but I was just too much of a diva to be a nerd. I had Chanel, Givenchy and all your delicacies honey, look I had it ALL!!
But still, all gold and diamonds aren't true representations of life.
I always yearned for love. Undivided love , Love with no bigotry, I just needed LOVE.

I come from a home of 3 kids. A mother,father, grandmother and a lot of helpers.

My father is the head of his own Law Firm, Tegan and Crawford, a law firm he started with his business partner , Mr. K Crawford in 1985.
Dad is a force to be reckoned with. He was born and bred in Soweto, and rose to Northcliff. Being a young black man, he scored himself a young white woman, who would later be my mother, but I'd prefer it if we call her Justine, the word 'mother' is too precious to be thrown around like a penniless prize.

Justine works as a lawyer in my dad's firm. I always grew up knowing that she always had a bottle of Scotch or Vodka in her hand. Whenever I'd need her to guide me as my mother,she'd dismally fail. For the longest of times I though I was the problem. I kept on making excuses for her.

Yes ,I admit that I was a wayward child, but I needed a mother's love, especially from one whom I know carried and nurtured me for 9 whole months.
I remember when I had my first period at 14, and she just told me to woman the F up, and go watch some YouTube video to guide me through that phase. Wow, That moment ruined whatever mother and daughter relationship we had, ETERNALLY.

However , I found solace in Grandma Herloise, but I'll back to her in a few chapters.

Michaela (my sister) was always the treasured one . She got beauty,the brains, and has it all in one sizzling package. She's a Gynaecologist , and she is my role model, kind of, I wouldn't want to give her that much praise !!!
She was the favorite growing up, even Justine would attend her recitals and her beauty pageants. I always was an outsider in that house, My science quizzes and my chess games were never too good for anyone ,until I met Mon Amour, Oliver.

Oliver was a classmate of mine. He was a jock, so even though I knew my money could lure him in, I wanted him to love me for me. Not for my credit card or for my pictures. As much as his appearance displayed a mean boy kind of vibe, I knew something marvelous was hiding under that smile.

One day I got the courage to walk up to him, and asked him if he'd like to be my science quiz partner. And wow, did his response not shock me . To quote, this is what he said ,"Lauryn I'd be honored to. I've been eyeing you out all year, and I just want to know the REAL you. Maybe Science can find a way to merge our hearts, just like hydrogen and oxygen merge to form water. I hope we merge and form something special."

All my dreams came true that day. It's as if I had a wand that mysteriously made this guy love me.
I didn't want to look to weak, so I leaned in for a kiss like how it's done in movies. Just as I closed my eyes for a big French kiss, I just saw him jump as if I had shocked him or something. I was lost, confused ,I didn't know why this guy didn't want to kiss me

Am I too thin ? Are my lips dry ? Does my breath smell ? WTF ?!

I ask him what's wrong ,and he finally admited that he hasn't kissed anyone before.
I didn't question that at all. That's when I got to see the blinds surrounding the real Oliver. I guess you could say that's when I fell in love.

We made a promise to keep 'us' private , and we both went our seperate ways with a hug.
I'll never forget that day. The 4th of November 2017 , A day after my 18th birthday, and a start to my ride on the waves of love.

As I rode back home on this faithful day, 'Always be my baby' by Mariah Carey played in the background .
If only I had known how much I'd love this man
, mmmh , Lord, I'd tell the Past Lauryn to not plummet face first into his love.


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