Chapter 3 : We Must Go On

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17h38. (2020).

I'm on my way home ,and I pass through a McDonalds drive thru. As I collect my Mc Flurry, I see a familiar face hand it to me . This blonde woman seems familiar, she kind of reminds me of Justine... but no man, I must be paranoid right?
I drive off,and I just can't fight this feeling off, I MUST know who this is! Is it a past enemy, a friend, a frenemy, who the hell is it ?!

I drive in, and run to get a quick shower before my date with Oliver. My dog, Chester comes running to me. Oh, how I adore that little bugger. I just can't get over the time he chewed on Michaela's designer dress ,and she was heading out to a gala event. 🤣🤣.
Lord'a mercy !!

But anyway,
I hop in the shower, and indulge with myself again. You know.. this is therapeutic. A woman sitting in a tub of warm water is when she thinks her best. That's when she gets her plan to kick ass. That's when you know an alpha Male is going to come of a woman.

I get dressed and I dab the last bit of my DKNY limited perfume. I have got to rush out, I don't want that conniving bitch called Oliver to think I'm as classless as he is. Oops, let me tweak these 2 girls out, so he can look me and them in the eye when he tells me truth about Jen.

As I'm about to head out, I see daddy come in. I give him a big hug and he tells me about his day. I wanna bolt the hell out,but you know, our heritage is in this country is to obey our parents. I patiently wait for him to wrap his convo, and I tell him I'm meeting Oliver. And did not Daddy's face turn as ice cold... he hates Oliver ,and not just hate , he DESPISES him !

Oliver once came over for a little brunch, and him and Daddy got into a little fight over whether I may move in with him or not. My Daddy is a black proud man, so I don't see him allowing his precious gem leave his protection ! That moment kind of made me love Daddy more, I mean .. he actually loves me. One of my parents love me !!!!


I'm 9 minutes late, and I'm glad to see Oliver isn't here yet. A waiter comes and hands me the menu. I just order a water, and wait for the truth to serve itself on a silver platter.

I hope Oliver won't lie to me. I truly believe he cheated, but my spirit denies it. I feel loved when he loves me, I feel emancipated when he caresses me , I feel whole when I lay in his arms. And that, Is a feeling I don't want to leave behind, just because I thought my ass was big enough to keep him.


My glass of water arrives, and I'm still waiting on Oliver. I text him ,asking him how far he is .

I sip on my water , and wait upon his response. I get a text back, and he tells me that he can't make it.
I'm in utter disbelief, couldn't he atleast respect me, just this once !!

For the past three years, he has disappointed me,but this, is shatters me.
He knows that this dinner is important to me, and he can't even excuse 15 minutes for me.
Am I that bad though ? Am I that disgusting, that my boyfriend of 3 years can't spare 15 minutes of his time to see me ?

I run over to a bathroom stall, to get myself together. A woman has to have class baby, otherwise you'll always have a reputation of being a township rat.


I wipe my tears away ,and I try to put on a brave face ,to go sit down and pay the bill.
I get to my table ,and called for my bill.
I dial Oliver ,and he picks it up. The waiter swipes my black credit card, and he hands me the card .

I ream Oliver over the phone, telling him how much this dinner meant to me. He tells me he is on the way to Cape Town, to visit his mother and sister. I know he is lying ,because his latest Instagram post,which was uploaded a few minutes before I got to the restaurant stated that he was in Maboneng.

I told him about the post, and he tells me he just left now. I tell him that I know he is lying, and I know that he cheated on me.
"How dare you. All I gave was my whole heart, life and love to you Lauryn. How dare you say I cheated on you, You always get what you want! You forced me to fake this stupid police job, you forced me to love you, no wonder your own mother doesn't love you. You'retoo much to handle " He added.

If I'm too much too handle,then why use me as your doormat. I know I'm not the lightest of skins, I know I'm not the prettiest of girls, but I know that I am enough. I will not tolerate this disrespect, coming from a entitled lady-boy named you. Grow the fuck up, because I'm tired of being the bitch who'll clean your dirty ass, filled with soiled diapers you can't wipe yourself. Which bitch loved you after I found out you had herpes, who still nursed your ass back to health ?
I'm damn sure it wasn't you, your mother, deadbeat father or God. I did it.

Oliver :
You know what, I love you Lauryn, but I don't need you to fix me, I just think we should call it quits. Delete my number , I just don't see you and I being together after you finally showed how you feel about me. I'm not some project you can work on and fix.
So ,It's Ov-

(Crash ! And a deafening sound comes to light. )
I scream for Oliver, and tell him to answer.
My mind has escaped from being dumped , to being worried sick. I scream for him, and no answer is brought back. I end the call, and rush back to my car. I call the paramedics, and tell them my boyfriend has been involved in a car crash, but j just don't know where he is. As the responder was about to talk, I dropped the call and took it head on, like a liberated woman does.

I start the car, and I quickly drive out , heading to Grandma Herloise's house. She would know what do in a situation like this.


Thanks for reaching and reading thus far.
Come back for Chapter 4, to see whether Oliver makes it through or not, how Lauryn will make it through , and how Grandma Herloise can possibly help Lauryn.

Tap that little (☆) as it helps my book get reads and charted.
Thanks for the support, and see you soon.♡

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