Chapter 6 : The Colour of My Love

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I awake to sunlight at the corners of my eyes . A new day has come, and it comes with a lot of responsibility and a feeling of fear. Today , I have decided to take my pregnancy test . I honestly hope I'm not pregnant because I still have a lot to achieve ,I mean I don't even have a job.

But if it does happen that I am pregnant,  I'd be quite lucky because I'm graduating in just 4 months.
As I'm thinking, a sharp rush of nausea passes through me,and I quickly vomit in the bathroom and decide to take a shower as I'm already in there.


I get to the hospital to visit Oliver. I am greeted by his family and a nurse I've made friends with, her name is Traxi. So while I wait for the clock to strike 10h00 so we can see Oliver, she tells me that he has woken up from his coma but he's still in the red. I'm literally excited to talk to him for the first time ever !


We get in his room,and he looks in my eyes ,and I rush to his side. I give him a kiss, and a rush of tears just comes rushing down my face. We get into a literal 5 minute hug fest,and he finally gets to see his family.
He asks me how I'm feeling ,and I tell him he had me worried sick !
We sit there and just catch up like old lovers do, and honestly,  That's the way we were.
We were lovers who thrived on memories made because they stated forever evergreen in our minds.
They never got misty.


His family is getting ready to leave, and he asks to talk to me while they leave. I stay behind per his request.

Hey babe. It's been long since I've seen your gorgeous eyes and transcendent smile. It made me kinda sad
Oh Oliver!! I see that accident didn't kill your humor, but we really thought we lost you there. I don't know how I would've survived
Babe, I know. And I'm sorry . But Babe, you know I know you more than I know myself, and I know you're a bit off today. You're trying to hide something from me,and you know how we pledge allegiance to the truth ? You do right ?
Yes Oli, I know. Ok, I'm going to tell you something but please, Don't freak..... I think I'm pregnant because the last time we made love we used the pull out method,and I just hope I'm not
Oh my GOD! I wasn't expecting this babe.  And this is not the perfect time for us to have a baby. You are graduating, and I don't have a job currently,  and there's a chance I may be paralyzed. What the hell are we going to do ?
Babe!! It's not confirmed yet, I'll go see a gynae and see what the results are. And if I'm correct,  it would mean I am almost 2 months in ,because we had sex in the last week of February, and it's the last week of May now,  which means that if I am pregnant,  I won't be able to abort........

Hey julle lovebirds! Time is up. You'll see your man tomorrow Lauryn.  We'll take good care of him. Don't worry.


I call a gynae's office, and set an appointment for tomorrow,  but I ask if they have any slots for today, and the receptionist kindly tells me they have a free appointment at 14h30, which I could book then.
I take it,and I drop the call.

This part of reality could be real. What if I am pregnant? What will dad say ? I'm only 21.


I find myself pensive in the gynae's room, awaiting him. The cold state of the chair in sitting in just reminds me that there's light beyond the rain, because if I am pregnant, I should embrace like the beauty it is,because many men and women out there just need a little one, not to just make them happy,but to fulfill their loves,to fulfill their relationship in general.
But again, There's no love without pain


Dr Foster walks in,and shakes my hand with such a warm smile . He surely does make me feel welcome and free. I then tell him that Oliver and I last had sex 3 months ago,and I haven't been menstruating since then ,but I thought that it was because of the acne pills I've been taking,they may cause you to stop menstruating.

He then tells me that I should discontinue the use of those pills,and he gets ready to perform an ultrasound.
As he runs the gel on my hand and he scans ,he says there is no heartbeat, meaning that there's no baby (hooray!)

Until he says : Oops,I was wrong Ms Tegan ,you don't only have a baby in here ,you have two, and we can even see their genders if you'd like me to tell you.

I just froze that instant. It was like all of his kindness that carried me though those 5 minutes of anxiety were just futile . I mean, I am now pregnant with 2 babies ! What am I ought to do with them ?

While those thoughts run in my head, I then ask him for the genders.
And he says : Oh, You are expecting 1 girl and 1 boy.
You are in your second trimester, and you are 4 months in, which is 19 weeks Miss.


I hear the opening theme of Skeem Saam playing over the TV, and I hear Mrs Keating shouting at Mr Keating for watching that silly soapie.
Now I have to break the news to the family.
I tell them that I have a big announcement to tell them .
As I was about to start and say ,"I'm pre-"

The phone rings and it's Oliver. His mom answers and tells him that I'm over at their hotel, and that they'll transfer him to Joburg in a week.
He then tells her that she should get ready to be a grandmother in the next coming years, and she laughs it off. She then tells him that she would be happy if a little one came along in a few years ,not now , and so if one does come ,she'll chop my head off because then she'd know that I only came there to trap her son with a child and my vagina.
The family took it as a joke, but I knew there was truth behind the joke .
Should I tell them I'm pregnant with twins, or must I just disclose 1 of them ,or should I just tell something else.

As I'm thinking, Mrs Keating then tells me to announce the big announcement. 
I then decide to tell the truth.
I then say ,"Mrs Keating,  I am ..."

Hey guys.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter !
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This has been my best chapter so far,  and I hope you learned about how people in your life can alter the decision you make

Sneak peak to Chapter 7 :
♡  Oliver is in Joburg, but he isn't fully healed
♡  We find that somebody else is pregnant
♡  Somebody will get shot , and Lauryn will be to blame .

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2021 ⏰

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