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Rosaleé sat at the Gryffindor table, filling her plate up with the vast amount of food available

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Rosaleé sat at the Gryffindor table, filling her plate up with the vast amount of food available. Around her people were laughing and talking, enjoying being  back at Hogwarts. She admired the enchanted night sky as she blocked out Sirius' flirting.

"I knew you'd be sorted into Gryffindor" James spoke helping himself to some more potatoes "it's the best house here" he said proudly.

Rosaleé only nodded and smiled. She had figured out a while ago that it was best to just smile and agree with James.

A red headed girl from down the table caught her attention. "Hi I'm Lily Evans, Head Girl. I'd just like to welcome you to Hogwarts and let you know if there's anything you need feel free to just ask. I trust James has been doing his Head boy duties correctly, by introducing you to everyone?"

"What? You're head boy!?" The blond asked the bespectacled boy quickly.

"Don't sound too surprised" he scoffed

" just didn't take you as the type" she raised her eyebrows as Sirius, Peter and Remus snickered.

"He's not. We think Dumbledore had a stroke when he chose James" Sirius quipped with a grin while Rosa smirked.

"Shut up" James snapped throwing a pea at Sirius' head.

"Hey Rosa you never said why you moved schools" Peter questioned

"Oh I was excluded" she said casually buttering her bread as James choked on his juice and Sirius grinned. Meanwhile a small smile of amusement grew on Remus' face.

"I knew I liked you for a reason" Sirius hummed


The feast had swiftly ended and the marauders had insisted on showing Rosaleé around the common room. Sat across from the fire and watched the flames dance as James and Sirius wrestled on the floor behind her while Peter laughed at them. The common room was beautiful and had a warm homely feel to it. Seeing Remus sat on an armchair on the other side of the room she made her way over. Perching on the arm of the sofa she craned her neck over the top of his book. Her blond hair tickling his neck.

"Whacha reading?"

"Oh erm just a charms book. I'm trying to learn some useful ones that we didn't end up learning in class" he spoke with a faint blush as he quickly glanced back down to his book from Rosaleés face.

"Woah this seems like some really complicated shit" she whistled. "Not like I would know though" she laughed. "I never really listened in classes"

"Sounds like some people I know" Remus grinned, looking in James and Sirius' way. "I'm deeply sorry that you had to be left alone with Sirius and Peter on the train. That must of been traumatising for you"

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