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Rosaleé had managed to escape her dorm and slink into the marauders room to hide away from Lily who was pestering her to pack her trunk

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Rosaleé had managed to escape her dorm and slink into the marauders room to hide away from Lily who was pestering her to pack her trunk. It was their last day at Hogwarts before leaving for Christmas and catching the train back and Rosaleé still hadn't packed her things. To be honest no one was surprised.

"Come on! Let's do something fun" she exclaimed, stretching out on James bed as he polished his broom stick in the corner.

"Like what?" Peter asked finishing off his chocolate frog and throwing the wrapper at the back of Sirius' head.

"What about a prank or something I don't know?" Rosa suggested picking at her nails.

"Now you're speaking our language" Sirius grinned, picking up Peters wrapper and lobbing it back at the boy.

"That's not the best idea" Remus interrupted "Rosa you're not even packed yet"

"Oh don't worry about that. I'm sure Lily will have a fit and pack my stuff herself eventually"

"What's the plan then?" James asked putting down his broomstick in full pranking mode.

"How about we charm the Slytherins robes?" Peter suggested

"We've done that too much" Remus said "something better like-"

"I say we fill the teachers offices with soapsuds. They'd be slipping everywhere!" Rosaleé suggested laughing at the thought of Professor Slughorn looking like bambi on ice.

"That's not what I was going to suggest but-" Remus started as he one again got interrupted by the other marauders.

"I love it!" They all chorused, their faces filled with glee.

"That's definitely not going to go well" Remus disagreed shaking his head "we'll be in detention for months after when we come back"

Rosaleé got off James' bed and walked towards Remus. She placed a hand on his arm while her other hand brushed through his hair. "Come on rem, it will be fun" she spoke softly "besides, they will of probably forgotten by the time we come back"

"I- I'm not sure" he stuttered, caught under her Veela charm.

"Pleassseee. Just for me" she begged whispering into his ear

"Okay, fine" Remus spoke

"Perfect!" Rosaleé jumped back in excitement causing Remus to snap out of her charm making him look around a little stunned. The marauders looked at each other in amusement and triumph.

"We could of done with Rosa a few years ago" James whistled "imagine how many tight spots we could of gotten out of with her with us"

"Hey! What am I? Chopped liver?" Sirius pouted, upset about being kicked out of his role of best flirter.

"That didn't count!" Remus interjected "she used her voodo magic"

"Voodo magic? I'm just hot"

Rosaleé and the boys crept through the corridors, trying to make no sound, that was a tricky task as James' heavy footsteps could be heard a mile away. They had already charmed the other professors offices so that whatever they touched soapsuds would come pouring of from the object.
The group stood outside McGonagalls office ready to head inside and charm the room when the sound footsteps approached. Rosaleé didn't have time to react as a person turned the corner.

McGonagall, looked apprehensively at the students infont of her "Miss Devaux...Mr Lupin, what are you doing here?" She asked, a slightly worried look on her face. Rosaleé whipped around quickly only to find the rest of the boys weren't there but instead saw a small mouse like animal running into the office. Rosaleé pulled a confused face to Remus who glanced back at her slightly amused but mostly worried.

"Oh you know just-"

"Making out!" Rosaleé interrupted Remus quickly, grinning at the transfiguration Professor. The teachers eyes widened.

"Oh well...er... I suggest you both get back to your respected dorms and pack your trunks. The train shall be leaving this evening. I can't say I'm surprised that you are here Miss Devaux but Mr Lupin, a prefect? Hurry now" the Professor ushered them away from her office door as she entered inside and closed the door behind her.

"Really? Making out?" James asked sniggering from behind them.

"What? It was believa- wait... what?! where the fuck did you lot go?" Rosa asked, astounded to see James, Sirius and Peter all stood behind her with massive grins on their faces.

Suddenly a large shriek erupted from McGonagalls office as a small bubble popped from under the crack of the door. The group glanced at each other quickly.

"Run!" Sirius yelled as the five of them sprinted through the corridors.

Once safe in the common room, Rosaleé turned to talk to James, Sirius and Peter. "Where did you all go?! And also, how on earth did you manage to charm McGonagalls office without her seeing?! I know you're wizards and all, but like what the fuck?!"

" I guess we're just pranking legends" Sirius quipped



I actually love writing this book atm. I adore Rosaleé and the marauders. Oh and also the girls of course!

I love reading everyone's comments on the book. They never fail to make me laugh

Thank you for the love


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