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Glares were being shot towards Rosaleé and the Marauders as they entered the Great Hall only to find a handful of students all stained Purple

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Glares were being shot towards Rosaleé and the Marauders as they entered the Great Hall only to find a handful of students all stained Purple. They all snickered nudging each other with their elbows as they all sat down whispering.
They were all about to discuss their genius abilities when Professor Mcgonagall glided furiously up to them.

"What is the meaning of this? Why are a dozen of the students purple! I assume it has something to do with you five?"

"Sadly, you'd be mistaken" Sirius frowned "but if you catch the tossers that did it, send them our way. Maybe we can swap tips with them".

"Mr Black do not test my patience. I have every reason to believe it was you all"

"May I see the evidence Mrs McGon?" Rosaleé queried raised a shocked eyebrow

"I'm afraid there's no evidence Miss Devaux howeve-"

"I wish we'd of thought to dye people purple" James sighed "what genius'! I bet it was those pesky Prewett twins. Always up to mischief those two" James tutted shaking his head.

"Mr Lupin? I trust you to tell me the truth" the professor asked glancing towards the tallest boy.

"I'm sorry Professor but I don't know anything. If I knew I would love to tell you, but unfortunately..." Remus trailed off following her line of gaze to Peter.

Peter sat fiddling with his cutlery on the table nervously.

"Mr Pettigrew, I hope you have a good excuse ready as to why your fingers are tinted Purple" she teacher smirked in triumph.

"Oh errr... coincidence?" He shrugged looking towards the others for help while they all just faced palmed.

"Detention tonight. All five of you!"


"I knew we should've made him wear gloves when putting the dye into the vial!"

The day had past in a flurry of lessons and learning. Well, atleast for Remus and Peter. James, Sirius and Rosa spend most their time sleeping in lesson and passing notes. But now the group of five were all stood in McGonagalls office waiting to be given their task.

"Professor Filch has requested that you need to clean out his many broom closets. There's a lot of things in there and it needs decluttering and dusting. You shall complete all off the closets on the third floor by the end of the night"


"Chop chop, you have lesson in the morning. Oh and, hand over your wands"

"This is ridiculous!" Sirius exclaimed violently throwing a mop out the way as Peter sneezed from the dust. They were all squashed up in one closet with barely any room to move.

"More like disgusting" James shivered as he walked into a spider web.

"This is going to take days" Remus scoffed also angrily dusting an old bucket.

"We should split the task up" Rosaleé said "some people do one the others do anther it'll be quicker"

"Good idea!" James shouted "me and padfoot will take the one down the hall. Wormtail will take the one the other end and Remus and Rosaleé can carry on in here"

" wow... sometimes my genius is astonishing" Sirius shook his head in amusement

" what the fuck you on about? I suggested that" Rosa pulled a face.

"Blah blah blah" Sirius blabbered "I can't hear you we're leaving!" He exclaimed pulling James and Peter away with him.

"Wait! The handle doesn't work.Don't let the door..."



The pair were instantly propelled into darkness, the only light a slither from under the door.


"It's okay I can just bombarda this bitch"Rosaleé said reaching into her pocket for her wand only to find it wasn't there.

"Oh shit"

"Oh shit indeed"

The pair coughed violently due to the amount of dust they'd inhaled within the past twenty minutes they'd been in there. Their eyes hadn't adjusted to the light leaving them practically unaware to their surroundings.

"Let me see if I can pick the lock" Rosaleé said taking a pin out of her hair and trying to walk forwards towards the door. However, as she did so she tripped over the dusky bucket causing her to clatter to the floor. She braced herself for the impact as she hit the ground, however it didn't seem to be as bad as she had expected. That was until her eyes finally adjusted to the light causing her to see that on her way down she had pulled Remus down with her and he had hit the ground before her causing her to fall on top of him.
Both of Rosaleés exposed legs straddled Remus' waist as her skirt had ridden dangerously high. She pushed her hair out of her face furiously and started to apologise.

"I'm so sorry Rem. That must of killed" she laughed casually still resting on top of him.
Remus didn't respond only readjusted himself into a sitting position as she looked at the girl who was totally unfazed by their awkward position. Parts of her hair glowed golden due to the little light streaming into the cupboard, a few of her buttons at the top of her shirt was undone and her lips looked shadowed and were parted due to the heavy breathing from the shock of the fall.

"Oh-er... it's fine" he coughed trying to tear his eyes away from the girl.

Rosaleé studied the boy beneath her. He fidgeted with the hem of his jumper as his eyes flashed over her and then away again. Even in the limited light she could see a rampaging blush flight it's way across his face.  His hair was messed up and his eyes seemed alive. A striking contrast to his eyes that were full of such pain she had seen before.
Realising that she had been staring for too long Rosa decided to snap out of her thoughts. Not that she didn't mind trapping Remus but he seemed too uncomfortable under her intense gaze. She reached forward to fix his tie, that she must of grabbed when she fell, and ran her fingers through his hair in an attempt to fix it.

"There! All better" she stated, getting up off his waist and dragging him up by his tie.


Rosa and Remus>>>>>> everything else.

Not James and Sirius lowkey shipping them and getting them into these situations.
And poor Pete he's so clueless bless him.

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