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 "It's so fucking cold here" Rosaleé chattered as she stomped down to the quidditch pitch

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"It's so fucking cold here" Rosaleé chattered as she stomped down to the quidditch pitch. The air was crisp and a light mist hung in the air. "I can't believe I have to come all this way just for James. He's not even that great"

"Rosa it's really not that bad" Peter said gently patting her shoulder.

"I agree with blondie over here" Sirius added "old Dumbledore could of pushed the game a bit further back in the day. I'm still fucking asleep. Help me Moony, I think I'm sleep walking!" Remus only rolled his eyes at Sirius' dramatics

"That bitch boy better be grateful I'm coming and supporting him" Rosaleé shivered as she trailed behind the three marauders unwillingly.
She wrapped her scarf tighter around her neck as Remus stopped, realising Rosaleé was getting quite a bit behind them.

"How'd you do this? Sitting in the cold for what could be for hours, just watching people fly around aimlessly"

"If I didn't I'm sure James would have my head" he chuckled.

"Well he'd have to get through me first" Rosa winked bumping their shoulders, causing Remus to scoff in amusement.

The Gryffindor stands were packed. A sea of red and gold, all chattering in anticipation. Using her Veela charm along with her fame and help from Sirius, they managed to flirt their way into making some sixth years move seats so they had a perfect view.

"That was uncalled for" Remus spoke faintly amused with Rosaleé and Sirius' flirting skills. Leaning over towards the boy Rosa whispered; "If you have the facilities Rem, you use them".
She retracted slowly leaving the Lupin boy slightly flustered and shocked at their close proximity.
As the two teams speed out on their brooms the group took their seats. Rosaleé was sat at the end of the boys, next to Sirius and on the other side of her Gideon Prewett, a tall handsome lad with blazing red hair, also a seventh year Gryffindor.
The game begun with a flurry of cheers as red and blue Splodges whizzed around the pitch. Roars and cheers occasionally ringing through the air as goals were scored. Rosaleé however, had become quickly bored and had resorted to flirting with the red head next to her.

Turing on her Veela charm she so greatly misused, she offered the boy a sultry smile, while holding out a cigarette for him to take. Her own cigarette precariously held between her painted lips. Within talking to the boy for about only about five minutes she had quickly discovered he was actually quite a funny boy. She laughed as his jokes and added suggestive comments every so often, careful not to cross the line. Her subtle gentle touches, slowly winning the boy over leaving him hanging off his chair in anticipation. Suddenly his haze disappeared as Rosaleés attention was no longer on him but with Sirius next to her.

"We won! Can't wait to get fucked up tonight!"

"Fucking finally. Can we leave now?"

"Yeah come on we're leaving" Remus snapped harshly. The group was slightly taken aback by his snarky response. "I- I meant'- I mean ,James must be looking for us right now"

"What was that about?" Peter asked as they watched him storm off towards the castle uncharacteristically.

"Hm I don't know" Sirius wondered out loud "very suspicious indeed" he rubbed his chin jokingly causing Rosaleé to snigger.

"Anyway, Let's go I'm cold" Peter said dragging Sirius and Rosaleé out of the stands.

"Tell me about it Pete" the girl agreed

Suddenly a hand found Rosaleé arm, commanding yet gentle. "Hey Devaux?, see you at the party this evening?" Gideon asked, eyes roaming her face.

"Yeah course" she waved unbothered in response, returning to Sirius.

"Since when was there a party?"

"Since we won"

"What?! You've got to give a girl at least 3 to 5 business days to prepare"

"See I'm so handsome I don't need to prepare"

"ferme ta gueule"


Did anything substantial happen in this chapter? No

What it interesting? No

Did I enjoy writing Remus as being unknowingly jealous? Yes

Sorry it's so short I wanted to write the gryffindor party as another separate chapter xo

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