Chapter 6

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Diego's POV:

After having some little fun with my angel I went to the set while she came after me, but only to watch me work. She still has around one and a half month to go before Angie's coming back.

When I arrived Nur greeted me with a weird grin on her face and I have no idea why.

- Good morning! - she said.

- Good morning - I replied - You seem pretty happy this morning. Why's that?

- I have many, many reason to that!

- Oh really?

- Yes!

- And will you tell me, or you're gonna keep it to yourself?

- I just talked to my husband and he told me that he's gonna come over here soon!

- That's great - I smiled - You must be missing him, don't you?

- I do! I'm too far away from him and my family.

At this moment:

- Nur and Diego on scene! - Martin shouted nearby so we both went to the scene.

Later when we finished with the scene suddenly Clari appeared and told me about her plan with Mehmet and asked me if he can come over.

- Sure - I nodded - I might can help you both too - I added as I kissed her head.

- That's even better! - she smiled happily.

----- TIME SKIP -----

That evening I've been waiting for Clari to arrived and when she did I hugged her tightly to me.

And soon Mehmet arrived too.

- Well? Everyone's ready? - I asked them.

- Yes! - they both nodded.

- And thank you for letting me come too - Mehmet added - I really need some help and you soon will understand why...

- It's totally fine - I laughed - It was you too who helped us get back together... This is the least I can do for you after that!

- Okay, guys! - Clari interrupted - Stop being so emotional and let's go!

We laughed and soon we left to our house.

Dieclari: Love at first sight 4Where stories live. Discover now