3 - Newfound Brothers - 3

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:D finally a longer one! I don't really have much to say for this one, so lets just get this started.

Theme: Fluff with a bit of angst but its only a paragraph or two.

Trigger Warnings: Being confined in small spaces, fear of punishment, flashbacks to evo

Word Count: 1527


NPC Grian sat in the closet of Grian's old bedroom, carefully sipping at the hot chocolate Grian had given him earlier. He was allowed out of his closet ever since people stopped coming to Grian's hobbit hole, but his closet felt safer, cozier, more familiar. Grian had also allowed him around the mansion a few times when no one was visiting.

NPG made a happy whirr as he remembered his creator- no, his friend's monstrous build, and he admired Grian's hard work. He had helped with a few details here and there, especially with the interior. Grian had taken him with him to meet up with their friend Pearlescentmoon, who helped Grian design the mansion. Once they were done, she had also given Grian the recipe to the hot chocolate she used to make for the two, along with their friend Taurtis.

He took another cautious sip from his mug, glad that it could warm him up in the cold weather. Grian had found a way to make NPG more human-like. He could feel temperature, talk normally, walk in a more natural way, and he even looked human. He could also get sick and feel pain, he made sure Grian added those features, which often puzzled the builder. The only differences between the two were that NPG's wings were smaller and a light grey, though they were now covered in synthetic feathers. They were like Grian's wings, but in grayscale and shorter by half a foot or so. NPG's eyes were a dark purple, contrasting starkly with Grian's light blue, and NPG was quite a bit shorter than Grian. On many occasions many had mistaken the two for brothers, even when not all of his new features were in place. Most of those instances happened around Taurtis and Pearl.

NPG's mind drifted back to the times where at this time of year, Grian, him, and Taurtis would play outside, building forts, snowmen, and having snowball fights. Pearl would then call them inside for hot chocolate and movies, before setting up for a small Christmas party with the rest of their close friends.

He sighed at the notion that those traditions wouldn't be fulfilled, just like the last few years. Ever since the duo had moved to Hermitcraft, things had been different. They weren't bad, per say. But it was lonely for NPG. Sure they called Taurtis and Pearl every week, and they had made a special call that morning, but he still missed them terribly, to the point where it hurt. He couldn't shake the sad feeling of being away from them, but luckily that feeling was overtaken by the cold.

He shivered as a cold breeze blew in from a window he probably forgot to close. He set down his now empty mug and hugged himself for warmth, burying his face in his sweater's soft sleeves.

"Grian!" he called out weakly, his tone making it sound more like a question than it should have. He pressed a button on the wall, which caused the bell of Grian's messaging system to ring. NPG winced at the noise.

Noise brings punishment.

That's what he had grown to learn after last time someone found out about his existence. Both him and Grian had been taken and put through many tortures and rituals, ending in NPG's eyes turning from their original black to brown, and then to purple. It was also the cause of Grian's wings being purple, instead of the cream color they used to be. There were other "side effects" but NPG would rather not think about those. That was the reason he had stayed in his closet for all that time. Grian hadn't meant to be cruel or unloving, it was for NPG's safety.

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