4 - True Behind the Reflecting Glass - 4

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Screeee this is super short again I'm so so so so sorry the next one will be longer I hope, I know I keep saying that but I'm trying screeee I procrastinate too much q-q.

Theme: Hurt/Comfort

Trigger Warnings: Imprisonment, death, grief, murder, fire, arson(?), and maybe a bunch of other stuff I'm sleep deprived.

(ooh this is gonna be fun - Coolio)

Word Count: 1134


Her fingertips brushed the glass, retracting at the freezing temperature. She pressed her palm against the glass, gazing out of it. Though, there wasn't much to see except for a faded fabric.

"Falsie?" she called out weakly, wincing at how weak her voice was.

True leaned against the glass, sliding down to a sitting position next to it. She hugged her knees to her chest, burying her face in her arms. Tears unwillingly streamed down her face in two endless rivers of emotion, so deep and rapid that she would need help getting out. Too bad there was no one there to help her out of her diminishing emotional state. Her sobs echoed across the reflective and voidlike dimension, as she recalled the Christmases she spent with her family as a child.

True and her twin sister used to live with their mum on their family farm. Their father had died when the children were about a year old, making the work more tedious and hard. When the girls were old enough to start helping, they would feed the animals. As they got older, they got more jobs to do, such as corralling the animals and protecting the farm from intruders. The sisters would fight back to back, shoulder to shoulder. They were inseparable.

The key word here being "were".

When the girls were seventeen years old, the farm was attacked by intruders. They were thieves or burglars. They were murderers. Their mother was lost to the purple flames the intruders seemed to possess, and False and True blamed each other out of anger and grief. One of the intruders, later known to be a Watcher, saw this, and ended their useless bickering.

"One of you will live reflecting on your actions, watching the other thrive. The other will have to live with the notion that their very existence is harming the other. You will only be freed from your prison once you learn to forget." the Watcher grinned crookedly at the girls, its hands glowing with purple and black magic. There were many holes and contradictions in the Watcher's logic, but they did have somewhat of a point.

True remembered the chilling feel the magic gave her as it swirled around her and her sister. She remembers her sister's sobs and scream of protest, and her own whispers and pleas for mercy.

True doubted False actually suffered how the Watcher intended. She had friends and people who were more like family than she could ever hope. She didn't need True.

"I'm sorry Falsie." True whispered into her reflective prison, her apology going unheard and more tears streamed down her face. She hadn't cried before. She didn't know how. Screams escaped her lips as more tears fell from her eyes, clouding her vision. She began begging, pleading, for some unknown force to make the pain stop. "Please!" her scream echoed, and her throat throbbed with indescribable pain. "Please just let me see her! Please forgive me! What did I do wrong?!" True let loose another scream, banging a fist against the glass of her prison, pressing herself against it until it felt like it would break.

But of course it wouldn't. She knew that by now.

When the scream had left her and her throat hurt too much to talk she leaned her head against the glass of the mirror, tears falling onto it and leaving marks. She closed her eyes, waiting for the soft allure of sleep to encompass her and drown out her thoughts and misery. She felt someone wrap their arms around her and she looked up in shock. Ice blue eyes met her bright red ones, bright blonde hair hanging in front of the ocean colored eyes of her sister.

"Hey." False whispered, a tear making its way down her cheek.

"Hey." True tried to smile at her sister, but all she could manage was pressing her lips in a thin line in order to not cry. "How did you get here?"

(who cares how she got here, go to Grian's party already so we can have some fluff I need some fluff after that - the most professional editor ever)


False smiled sadly at her sister, a small chuckle pushing its way past her lips, though it sounded more like a sob. "I'm sorry True. I'm so, so sorry." More tears gathered in False's eyes as she pulled her twin into a warm embrace, burying her face in True's shoulder.

True's eyes widened from shock, but she quickly squeezed them shut, wrapping her arms around her sister after so long. Too long if you asked the sisters. The two of them sat there for a few minutes, letting their tears flow and dry, just like rivers. When False stood up, she took True with her, her arm looped around True's shoulder. They walked out of the mirror together, much to True's astonishment. True looked around, seeing the outside world for the first time in a while. She took in the fresh air, letting it out as a carefree laugh. Her sister laughed with her, pulling her closer. False led her up a water elevator and to what seemed to be False's storage room. There was an envelope sitting on one of the chests, unopened. False picked it up, a puzzled expression on her face.

"Helloooooooo False," she read aloud, chuckling at the written greeting, "The Hermits' annual Holiday Extravagant Extravaganza is about to take place, and I would like to formally invite you to attend! Meet at Grian's Mansion at 3pm Christmas day, and prepare for the best party of your life, sponsored by the best shop in the Shopping District, the HMS GGG. We will be awaiting your arrival eagerly. Your friend, Grian, Grain, Cod boi, One Bready Boi, Member of the Mycelium Resistance. PS: Feel free to bring a guest of your choice, but please make sure they're either whitelisted or approved by X-I-Soomavoid."

"What's all that supposed to mean?" True asked, her voice devoid of any emotions besides confusion.

"It means that Grian is still being Grian and is throwing a party for the holidays." False said, grinning.

"Okay?" True's voice was still laced with confusion, but it was obvious she was holding in laughter.

"Hey, you wanna come with me to Grian's party?" False's eyes lit, up, turning to her sister.

"I don't know if that's a good idea..." True trailed off, unsure how the Hermits would react to her.

"I'll take that as a yes!" False pulled her sister into another hug, laughing excitedly.

They both pulled apart from the hug as they both discussed what to bring to the party, what to wear in order not to freeze to death. If someone would have walked in, they would have guessed they had been like this forever, talking and laughing looking at each other like they were the best thing in the world. Nothing was wrong. Not anymore, and the sisters would like to keep it that way.

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